Linphone-sync / linphone-android

Linphone for Android
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Android Samsung tablet incoming video is pixelated and render only to one line #1

Open ericeche opened 8 years ago

ericeche commented 8 years ago

Downloaded the latest version from this link

I was able to run the application in the same tablet in older versions of linphone android without any issues. In recent upgrades though, the remote video piece does not seem to work properly. This only happens in the incoming video -- see attached image --. Please see also the android device OS parameters

samsung_tablet device-2016-04-29-080652

And here is how I install the apk on the device using

screen shot 2016-04-29 at 8 20 03 am

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 5 seconds Dildorf:linphone-android ericecheverri$ make install ant installd Buildfile: /Users/ericecheverri/android-linphone/linphone-android/build.xml [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 23.0.2



install: [echo] Installing /Users/ericecheverri/android-linphone/linphone-android/bin/Linphone-debug.apk onto default emulator or device... [exec] 4583 KB/s (25695692 bytes in 5.475s) [exec] pkg: /data/local/tmp/Linphone-debug.apk [exec] Success


BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 21 seconds ant run Buildfile: /Users/ericecheverri/android-linphone/linphone-android/build.xml [getbuildtools] Using latest Build Tools: 23.0.2

run: [exec] Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cmp=org.linphone/.LinphoneLauncherActivity }

BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second

entangledloops commented 8 years ago

I've encountered lots of issues like this over time. Could be any number of things, depending upon how you setup your machine. Here are a few basic things to try:

1) Have you tried a complete uninstall followed by clean install? (i.e., not using the install -r command or similar, but adb shell pm uninstall -k org.linphone) If there is any sort of security key mismatch or linphone config file inconsistency, undefined behavior often results instead of an outright crash or clear log message.

2) Android made major changes to permissions recently, and linphone is updated regularly. I can see that build tools 23.0.2 are in use, which are fairly new (currently 23.0.3). What is the min sdk and target sdk in your manifest? There are a variety of possible permission-related issues.

3) The very latest linphone pull is often broken from the latest push. I would pull a specific version denoted "stable" on their website, or download the zipped stable archive, or use git to pull a stable build.

4) Another annoyance is that the default build script they provide goes behind your back and pulls updates without explicit consent. I took build in a Linux virtual machine w/network disabled until I'm ready to update or install a specific dependency.

5) Definitely do create a LinphoneLogHandler (if it's still called that) and print everything to the debug log (and ensure the log level is set to debug). I also modified their standard logging wrappers to directly write to logcat via #define in the ms_common header.

6) Does logcat report camera access when the app launches? Does it mention permissions denied? Be sure you aren't filtering for just org.linphone, as these kinds of messages are not prefixed (necessarily) with your app package. Also be judicious in your reading of logcat, as asynchronous ouput and intermingling of other apps with yours can be misleading when you are viewing the full output without a package restriction.

I will probably think of more later. Let me know if you've tried these suggestions or are no longer working on this.