Would it be possible to publish this package on maven central? The jcenter repository is being deprecated & halts on February 2022.
We're in the process of migrating away from jcenter (and thus removing it from our build.gradle) & relying on mavenCentral instead (see, RN0.65.1 diff ).
Sorry, I was a bit wrong.
Apparently it's a dependency of this library that should be made available on mavenCentral: Could not resolve com.android.tools.external.lombok:lombok-ast:0.2.3.
Would it be possible to publish this package on maven central? The jcenter repository is being deprecated & halts on February 2022.
We're in the process of migrating away from jcenter (and thus removing it from our build.gradle) & relying on mavenCentral instead (see, RN0.65.1 diff ).