LinuxBeaver / Gimp_Layer_Effects_Text_Styler_Plugin_GEGL_Effects

Gimp Plugin that gives users layer effects powered by GEGL. Allowing you to make stylish text. Binaries Avalible for Windows and Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Organization (SUGGESTION) #7

Open ItsRogueRen opened 1 year ago

ItsRogueRen commented 1 year ago

These are all INCREDIBLY useful and helpful effects, but with the full pack of all your plugins, this list is HUGE! It's a bit of a pain to hunt through a giant list of text every time I want to use certain effects, so is there a way they can be better organized in GIMP? Maybe having a way to "pin" certain effect to the right-click menu in the layers panel? So say I right-click a layer and I get an option for GEGLeffect in that menu.

Not really an issue with the effects themselves, but would be helpful since the list of effects is so long.

LinuxBeaver commented 1 year ago

This is an issue Gimp currently has. I asked a Gimp dev about earlier and he said he doesn't think it is possible in Gimp 2.10 or 3.0 to list filters I made in the menu without recompiling. The best solution I think would be for GEGL Operations to have a search (like GMIC) - so I recommend filing a request on Gimp's gitlab for that.

In the mean time I recommend making a keyboard shourtcut to open GEGL Operations and removing operations you do not need.

ItsRogueRen commented 1 year ago

Would be nice if GIMP could just include these by default so they can be better organized, but oh well

LinuxBeaver commented 1 year ago

I want that too but they (Gimp's team) thinks I took some sloppy shortcuts to make these filters. Which I did because I don't know how to code. I think if enough people advocate for them in Gimp it will happen. They can modify and fix the sloppy shortcuts themselves.