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wrong unit handling of interpreter #1279

Closed DjangoReinhard closed 11 months ago

DjangoReinhard commented 2 years ago

wrong unit handling of (standalone-)interpreter

Here are the steps I follow to reproduce the issue:

  1. rip installation of github master
  2. with this tooltable:
    • T2 P1 Z20 D2 ;2.00mm 4 schneiden fräser
    • T3 P2 Z53 D3 ;3.00mm 2 flute endmill
    • T6 P3 Z30 D6 ;6.00mm 4 schneiden fräser
    • T4 P5 Z40 D8 ;8,00mm 4 schneiden fräser
    • T23 P7 Z50 D10 ;10,00mm 4 schneiden fräser
    • T7 P8 Z50 D12 ;12,00mm 4 schneiden fräser
    • T1 P9 Z123 D4.568 ;45 deg v cutter
  3. and this commandline:
    cat gmoccapy_2_tools_with_cutter_radius_compensation.ngc  | rs274 -g -v linuxcnc.var -i some.ini -t tool.tbl
    1. I got these results:
      2 N..... SET_G5X_OFFSET(1, 8165.0024, 12700.0000, -5080.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      3 N..... SET_G92_OFFSET(3004.1677, 209.2678, 78.7400, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      4 N..... SET_XY_ROTATION(0.0000)
      READ => ; Gmoccapy_2_tools_with_compensation.ngc
      READ => ; testprogram to mill two circles with cutter radius compensation
      READ => ; and two different tools
      READ =>
      READ => ; set the basic settings, this should be
      READ => ; on every program the beginning
      READ => G17
      READ => G21
      READ => G54
      8 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: continuing to use same coordinate system")
      READ => G61
      READ => G40
      10 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: cutter radius compensation off")
      READ => G49
      11 N..... USE_TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET(0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000)
      READ => G80
      12 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: motion mode set to none")
      READ => G90
      READ =>
      READ => ; get the first tool
      READ => T3 M6
      13 N..... SELECT_TOOL(3)
      14 N..... START_CHANGE()
      15 N..... STOP_SPINDLE_TURNING(0)
      16 N..... COMMENT("AXIS,hide")
      17 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(-11169.1702, -12909.2678, 5001.2600, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      18 N..... COMMENT("AXIS,show")
      19 N..... CHANGE_TOOL(2)
      READ => G43
      20 N..... USE_TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET(0.0000 0.0000 1346.2000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000)
      READ => T1
      21 N..... SELECT_TOOL(1)
      READ =>
      READ => ; go to center of the workpiece
      READ => G0 X50 Y50
      22 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 3655.0600, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ => G0 Z30
      23 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 30.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ =>
      READ => ; turn on spindle clockwise
      READ => S3000
      24 N..... SET_SPINDLE_SPEED(0, 3000.0000)
      READ => M3
      READ =>
      READ => ; coolant on
      READ => M8
      26 N..... FLOOD_ON()
      READ =>
      READ => G0 Z10
      27 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 10.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ => F250
      28 N..... SET_FEED_RATE(250.0000)
      READ => G1 Z0
      29 N..... STRAIGHT_FEED(50.0000, 50.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ =>
      READ => ; tool radius compensation
      READ => ; go in circle with lower feed rate
      READ => G41
      30 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: cutter radius compensation on left")
      READ => G3 X70 Y50 Z-1 I10 J0
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 X70 Y50 Z-1 I10 J0
      READ =>
      READ => ; make first circle with normal feed
      READ => F2000
      31 N..... SET_FEED_RATE(2000.0000)
      READ => G3 I -20
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 I -20
      READ =>
      READ => ; out of the workpiece
      READ => G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-10 J0
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-10 J0
      READ => G0 Z30
      Length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius
      G0 Z30
      READ =>
      READ => ; coolant off
      READ => M9
      32 N..... MIST_OFF()
      33 N..... FLOOD_OFF()
      READ =>
      READ => ; turn off cutter radius compensation, otherwise no tool change is possible
      READ => G40
      34 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: cutter radius compensation off")
      READ => M6
      35 N..... START_CHANGE()
      36 N..... STOP_SPINDLE_TURNING(0)
      37 N..... COMMENT("AXIS,hide")
      38 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 3655.0600, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      39 N..... COMMENT("AXIS,show")
      40 N..... CHANGE_TOOL(7)
      READ => G43
      41 N..... USE_TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET(0.0000 0.0000 3124.2000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000)
      READ =>
      READ => ; optional stop for testing
      READ => (MSG, optional stop, i.e. for cleaning the workpiece, or other thinks)
      42 N..... MESSAGE(" optional stop, i.e. for cleaning the workpiece, or other thinks")
      READ => M1
      READ =>
      READ => ; go again to the center of the workpiece
      READ => G0 X50 Y50
      44 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 1877.0600, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ => G0 Z10
      45 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 10.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ =>
      READ => ; turn on spindle clockwise
      READ => S6000
      46 N..... SET_SPINDLE_SPEED(0, 6000.0000)
      READ => M3
      READ =>
      READ => ; mist on
      READ => M7
      48 N..... MIST_ON()
      READ =>
      READ => G0 Z10
      49 N..... STRAIGHT_TRAVERSE(50.0000, 50.0000, 10.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ => F400
      50 N..... SET_FEED_RATE(400.0000)
      READ => G1 Z1
      51 N..... STRAIGHT_FEED(50.0000, 50.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      READ =>
      READ => ; Werkzeugradienkompensation ein
      READ => ; Anfahrradius mit Eintauchgeschwindigkeit
      READ => G41
      52 N..... COMMENT("interpreter: cutter radius compensation on left")
      READ => G3 X65 Y50 Z-1 I7.5 J0
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 X65 Y50 Z-1 I7.5 J0
      READ =>
      READ => ; 2. Kreis mit Vorschubgeschwindigkeit fräsen
      READ => F1000
      53 N..... SET_FEED_RATE(1000.0000)
      READ => G3 I-15
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 I-15
      READ =>
      READ => ; Aus dem Werkstück
      READ => G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-7.5 J0
      Radius of cutter compensation entry arc is not greater than the tool radius
      G3 X50 Y50 Z1 I-7.5 J0
      READ => G0 Z30
      Length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius
      G0 Z30
      READ =>
      READ => G0 Z30
      Length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius
      G0 Z30
      READ => G0 X50 Y50
      Length of cutter compensation entry move is not greater than the tool radius
      G0 X50 Y50
      READ =>
      READ => M9 ; coolant off
      54 N..... MIST_OFF()
      55 N..... FLOOD_OFF()
      READ => M5 ; spindle off
      56 N..... STOP_SPINDLE_TURNING(0)
      READ => M2 ; program end
      57 N..... SET_G5X_OFFSET(1, 8165.0024, 12700.0000, -5080.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000)
      58 N..... SET_XY_ROTATION(0.0000)
      59 N..... SET_FEED_MODE(0, 0)
      60 N..... SET_FEED_RATE(0.0000)
      61 N..... STOP_SPINDLE_TURNING(0)
      62 N..... SET_SPINDLE_MODE(0 0.0000)
      63 N..... PROGRAM_END()
      READ =>    64 N..... ON_RESET()

This is what I expected to happen:

on processing G43 with tool #3 I expect the toollength to be 53mm, but interpreter calculates 1346.2mm - which is the length value from tooltable treaten as imperial unit and converting it to mm. All arcs/circles failed with error about to big tool radius

Initialization of backend uses mm settings, and G21 has been used explicitly - so I see no reason, why tooltable entries of a mm-machine should be treaten as imperial values.

Information about my hardware and software:

andypugh commented 2 years ago

I believe that the tool table is assumed to be in the base units of the configuration.

Were you using a metric config?

DjangoReinhard commented 2 years ago

from inifile:

andypugh commented 2 years ago

There goes that theory. I run metric machines, and have not seen this problem. Is this also a problem if you use the Axis interface? I seem to recall that Gmoccapy does a lot more internal tool handling that the other GUIs do.

rene-dev commented 2 years ago

he is not using any UI, running rs274 directly. This is looks like a bug. the tooltable should always be interpreted in machine units.

andypugh commented 2 years ago

In that case I suspect that the sai doesn't actually look for units in the .ini. I don't see any evidence of a search for TRAJ in and I do see a hard-coded function:

DjangoReinhard commented 2 years ago

Andy you're right! The hardcoded function is the evil. I tried to change hardcoded number with "_sai._length_unit_factor" and it seems to work.

andypugh commented 2 years ago

Andy you're right! The hardcoded function is the evil. I tried to change hardcoded number with "_sai._length_unit_factor" and it seems to work.

But I suspect that variable mirrors the G20 / G21 status, not the machine base units. That function should probably look at the INI, after checking that an INI is specified.

andypugh commented 11 months ago

It's been a long time coming, but I now believe this to be fixed.

Imperial INI file

andypugh@rm-one:~/linuxcnc-dev/configs/sim/axis$ cat saitest.ngc  | rs274 -g -v sim_mm.var -i axis.ini -t sim.tbl
   13 N..... USE_TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET(0.0000 0.0000 12.9794, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000)

Metric INI file.

andypugh@rm-one:~/linuxcnc-dev/configs/sim/axis$ cat saitest.ngc  | rs274 -g -v sim_mm.var -i axis_mm.ini -t sim.tbl
   10 N..... USE_TOOL_LENGTH_OFFSET(0.0000 0.0000 0.5110, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000)