LinuxCNC / linuxcnc

LinuxCNC controls CNC machines. It can drive milling machines, lathes, 3d printers, laser cutters, plasma cutters, robot arms, hexapods, and more.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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linuxcnc main command is missing after successfully built #2572

Closed nomi-ramzan closed 1 year ago

nomi-ramzan commented 1 year ago

Here are the steps I follow to reproduce the issue:

  1. Install Fedora IOT 38 and following this link
  2. I Installed dependencies git-core autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ tcl-devel python-Yapps2 python3-devel python3-tkinter python3-argcomplete libtirpc-devel libudev-devel libmodbus-devel libusb1-devel glib2-devel gtk3-devel intltool boost-devel readline-devel mesa-libGLU-devel libXmu-devel asciidoc tk-devel bwidget
  3. git clone linuxcnc-dev
  4. cd linuxcnc-dev/src/
  5. autoreconf --install
  6. ./
  7. ./configure --with-realtime=uspace --enable-non-distributable=yes
  8. sudo make setuid
  9. source ../scripts/rip-environment
  10. runtests # But this fails in many tests

This is what I expected to happen:

Successfully build linuxcnc for Fedora with all required files

This is what happened instead:

Missing /bin/linuxcnc command. Rest list in bin directory is

5axisgui       gremlin               halrmt       hy_vfd
axis           gremlin_view          halsampler   image-to-gcode
axis-remote    gs2_vfd               halscope     inivar
classicladder  gscreen               halshow      io
debuglevel     hal_input             halstreamer  iov2
elbpcom        hal_manualtoolchange  halui        lineardelta
genserkins     halcmd                hbmgui       lintini
gladevcp       halcompile            hexagui      linuxcnc_module_helper  
gmoccapy       halmeter              hy_gt_vfd    linuxcnclcd
linuxcncrsh    milltask              pmx485       qtplasmac-cfg2prefs
linuxcncsvr    millturngui           pmx485-test  qtplasmac-materials
linuxcnctop    mitsub_vfd            pncconf      qtplasmac-plasmac2qt
maho600gui     modcompile            profile_axis qtplasmac_gcode
max5gui        motion-logger         puma560gui   qtvcp
mb2hal         mqtt-publisher        pumagui      rotarydelta
mdi            ngcgui                pyngcgui     rs274
mdro           panelui               pyui         rtapi_app
melfagui       pi500_vfd             pyvcp        scaragui
schedrmt       tool_mmap_read        wj200_vfd
scorbot-er-3   tool_watch            xhc-hb04
sendkeys       tooledit              xhc-whb04b-6
shuttle        touchy                xyzab-tdr-gui
sim-torch      tracking-test         xyzac-trt-gui
stepconf       update_ini            xyzbc-trt-gui
svd-ps_vfd     userspace_count_names z_level_compensation
teach-in       vfdb_vfd
thermistor     vfs11_vfd

Information about my hardware and software:

andypugh commented 1 year ago

"linuxcnc" is a script in the /scripts directory.

Are you saying that the script isn't found even after rip-environment?

rene-dev commented 1 year ago

its generated by autoconf from this file: looks like there are more files missing.

rodw-au commented 1 year ago

Did you actually type make between 7 and 8 ? the list of dependencies appears short. DId you get them using dpkg-checkbuilddeps ?

andypugh commented 1 year ago

Have you looked in the "scripts" directory?

This issue is going to be very hard to close if you don't reply.

nomi-ramzan commented 1 year ago

Yes I found the linuxcnc file in scripts directory.