LinuxNerdBTW / i3-MINI

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how to install this on ubuntu? #1

Open tshrinivasan opened 1 year ago

tshrinivasan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the good work.

I am trying to install this with ubuntu 20.04 Seems many packages are not available.

sudo apt-get polybar i3-wm rofi kitty brightnessctl nmtui dunst imagemagick pavucontrol feh pcmanfm qutebrowser python-pywal ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd cantarell-fonts ttf-meslo-nerd noto-fonts materia-gtk-theme gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine lxappearance

E: Unable to locate package polybar
E: Unable to locate package nmtui
E: Unable to locate package python-pywal
E: Unable to locate package ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
E: Unable to locate package cantarell-fonts
E: Unable to locate package ttf-meslo-nerd
E: Unable to locate package noto-fonts
E: Unable to locate package gtk-engines
E: Unable to locate package gtk-engine-murrine

getting above error.

Please help to install the same on ubuntu.


tshrinivasan commented 1 year ago

Used the below commands to install the packages.

sudo snap install polybar-git --edge --devmode

sudo pip3 install pywal

sudo apt-get install fonts-noto

sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine

ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd - download from and install manually

cantarell-fonts download from

ttf-meslo-nerd download from

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:regolith-linux/releas sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install i3-gaps

LinuxNerdBTW commented 1 year ago

Just install the packages that is found on the official repository of the ubuntu , if the packages is not available on the official repo of the ubuntu , just search for the github repository and build it from the source . make sure u satisfuy the dependencies , on ubuntu i cant say you will install all those dependencies becuase its really hard to set it up on the ubuntu and ubuntu based distributions , just comment here what you can't install , i will help you out to resolve that package

LinuxNerdBTW commented 1 year ago

just go here and search for the packages :

from command line : add the repository of the debian from :

and update apt use : sudo apt-cache search "packagename" eg . sudo apt-cache search polybar for searching relevant package and install it

LinuxNerdBTW commented 1 year ago

1 . polybar : 2 . i3-wm 3 . nmtui : NetworkManager -> sudo apt install NetworkManager 4 . pywal : sudo pip3 install pywal 5 . nerdfonts: - download font from here and move .ttf or any to /usr/share/fonts and run fc-cache -v to reload font cache .

search other packages like : available on official repos

tshrinivasan commented 1 year ago

thanks. As you said, getting too many errors on ubuntu, even after installing the required packages as above in

Will try to fix them all and document the process here.

Thanks for the great work.