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Brew commands not found after install #1102

Closed coreybruce closed 8 years ago

coreybruce commented 8 years ago

After successfully installing brew I try and install something via brew and got this error message

No command 'brew' found, did you mean: Command 'brec' from package 'bplay' (universe) Command 'qbrew' from package 'qbrew' (universe) brew: command not found

rwhogg commented 8 years ago

Hey @gameslayer, can you try the following please?

  1. export PATH=$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH
  2. hash -r (if you're using Bash) or rehash (if you're using Zsh)
  3. Try to run the command again?

If that works, please add the first command from that list into your shell startup file (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.) so you'll be able to always have it accessible.

@sjackman, maybe we should put instructions of this sort into either the output of the installer or somewhere prominent on the README, since this sort of issue seems to come up fairly frequently.

coreybruce commented 8 years ago

Ahh thanks so much, I thought you only had to do that if you did it the second way through git :)

rwhogg commented 8 years ago

No problem! Mind if I close this issue?

coreybruce commented 8 years ago

Yeah sure issues solved

sjackman commented 8 years ago

@sjackman, maybe we should put instructions of this sort into either the output of the installer or somewhere prominent on the README, since this sort of issue seems to come up fairly frequently.

Yes, absolutely. Those instructions are already here: They should also be added to the end of the installation script. A PR would be most welcome.