Open Mikesch-mp opened 1 year ago
Baremetal backup jobs are not checked. We had a failed job and the plugin does not show it.
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/veeam-status --url https://IP:PORT --username VeeaUsername -p 'VeryGeheim' --failed-job-runs 1
Linux icinga2server 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
veeam-status: v2023051201 by Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich/Switzerland
Python 3.10.6
CommandNotFound _weakrefset grp reprlib DistUpgrade _xxsubinterpreters gzip requests HweSupportStatus _xxtestfuzz hamcrest resource NvidiaDetector _yaml hashlib rlcompleter OpenSSL _zoneinfo heapq runpy Quirks abc hmac samba UbuntuDrivers aifc html sched UpdateManager antigravity http secrets __future__ apport httplib2 secretstorage _abc apport_python_hook hyperlink select _aix_support apt idna selectors _ast apt_inst imaplib serial _asyncio apt_pkg imghdr service_identity _bisect aptsources imp setuptools _blake2 argparse importlib shelve _bootsubprocess array importlib_metadata shlex _bz2 ast incremental shutil _cffi_backend asynchat inspect signal _codecs asyncio io site _codecs_cn asyncore ipaddress sitecustomize _codecs_hk atexit itertools six _codecs_iso2022 attr janitor smtpd _codecs_jp audioop jeepney smtplib _codecs_kr automat jinja2 snack _codecs_tw babel json sndhdr _collections base64 jsonpatch socket _collections_abc bcrypt jsonpointer socketserver _compat_pickle bdb jsonschema softwareproperties _compression binascii jwt sos _contextvars binhex keyring spwd _crypt bisect keyword sqlite3 _csv blinker landscape sre_compile _ctypes bson launchpadlib sre_constants _ctypes_test builtins ldb sre_parse _curses bz2 lib2to3 ssh_import_id _curses_panel cProfile linecache ssl _datetime calendar locale stat _dbm certifi logging statistics _dbus_bindings cgi lsb_release string _dbus_glib_bindings cgitb lzma stringprep _decimal chardet magic struct _distutils_hack chunk mailbox subprocess _distutils_system_mod click mailcap sunau _elementtree cloudinit markupsafe symtable _functools cmath marshal sys _gdbm cmd math sysconfig _hashlib code mimetypes syslog _heapq codecs mmap systemd _imp codeop modulefinder tabnanny _io collections more_itertools talloc _json colorama multiprocessing tarfile _ldb_text colorsys nagiosplugin tdb _locale compileall netifaces telnetlib _lsprof concurrent netrc tempfile _lzma configobj nis termios _markupbase configparser nntplib test _md5 constantly ntpath textwrap _multibytecodec contextlib nturl2path this _multiprocessing contextvars numbers threading _opcode copy oauthlib time _operator copyreg opcode timeit _osx_support crypt operator token _pickle cryptography optparse tokenize _posixshmem csv os trace _posixsubprocess ctypes ossaudiodev traceback _py_abc curses pathlib tracemalloc _pydecimal dataclasses pdb tty _pyio datetime pexpect turtle _pyrsistent_version dbm pickle twisted _queue dbus pickletools types _random deb822 pipes typing _sha1 debconf pkg_resources uaclient _sha256 debian pkgutil ufw _sha3 debian_bundle platform unicodedata _sha512 decimal plistlib unittest _signal difflib poplib urllib _sitebuiltins dis posix urllib3 _snack distro posixpath uu _socket distro_info pprint uuid _sqlite3 distutils problem_report validate _sre doctest profile venv _ssl email pstats wadllib _stat encodings pty warnings _statistics enum ptyprocess wave _string errno pvectorc weakref _strptime faulthandler pwd webbrowser _struct fcntl py_compile wsgiref _symtable filecmp pyasn1 xdrlib _sysconfigdata__linux_x86_64-linux-gnu fileinput pyasn1_modules xkit _sysconfigdata__x86_64-linux-gnu fnmatch pyclbr xml _tdb_text fractions pydoc xmlrpc _testbuffer ftplib pydoc_data xxlimited _testcapi functools pyexpat xxlimited_35 _testimportmultiple gc pygtkcompat xxsubtype _testinternalcapi genericpath pymongo yaml _testmultiphase getopt pyparsing zipapp _thread getpass pyrsistent zipfile _threading_local gettext pytz zipimport _tracemalloc gi queue zipp _uuid glob quopri zlib _version gpg random zoneinfo _warnings graphlib re zope _weakref gridfs readline
Veeam Server and Enterprise Manager V12 (latest available version)
Hi Carsten. This is difficult (if not impossible) for us to test. If you see a way, please contact me directly.
This issue respects the following points:
Which variant of the Monitoring Plugins do you use?
Bug description
Baremetal backup jobs are not checked. We had a failed job and the plugin does not show it.
Steps to reproduce - Plugin call
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/veeam-status --url https://IP:PORT --username VeeaUsername -p 'VeryGeheim' --failed-job-runs 1
Steps to reproduce - Data
Linux icinga2server 5.15.0-67-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 22 14:14:39 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Plugin Version
veeam-status: v2023051201 by Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich/Switzerland
Python version
Python 3.10.6
List of Python modules
Additional Information
Veeam Server and Enterprise Manager V12 (latest available version)