Linxius / UrbanScene3D
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Get more complete dataset #15

Closed Kidleyh closed 3 months ago

Kidleyh commented 3 months ago

After I downloaded campus, according to the experimental settings of mega-nerf, I found that many images were missing from the campus data set. Has this data set been updated? How can I download a more complete dataset

Linxius commented 3 months ago

Do you download it from the links mentioned here?

Kidleyh commented 3 months ago

Yes, comparing the training settings given by mega-nerf, I found that the pictures I downloaded from here are missing pictures such as 2/DJI_0740.JPG. Many pictures downloaded from here do not have numbers.

Linxius commented 3 months ago

You can check if you downloaded the 47.8GB or the 12 zip files correctly. image

Kidleyh commented 3 months ago

Thank you!Can you tell me how I should download the 12 zip files? I downloaded the entire compressed package before. My computer did remind me that the compressed package was damaged, although I decompressed it successfully.

Linxius commented 3 months ago

The entire compressed package should work. Maybe there's something wrong with your downloaded file due to network issues.

Kidleyh commented 3 months ago

OK, thanks