LionC / express-basic-auth

Plug & play basic auth middleware for express
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How about adding req to the method give more flexibility for the use cases #16

Closed maheshyamsani closed 5 years ago

maheshyamsani commented 5 years ago

if(isAsync) return authorizer(, authentication.pass, authorizerCallback,req) else if(!authorizer(, authentication.pass)) return unauthorized()

willemevenwel commented 5 years ago

Any luck on accessing the req object within the authorizer method?

yonilerner commented 5 years ago

I, too, would like to see this functionality. Accepting PRs?

willemevenwel commented 5 years ago

I did a little bit of reading. It seems as tho the authentication is fired prior to delivery of the request object. This means the request object is not yet sent/available.

Possible work around is to NOT use basic auth, and parse your own authentication parameters in the body of the request payload. Then configure some kind of middleware that fires to authenticate before actually executing the request/route.

yonilerner commented 5 years ago

@willemevenwel Thanks for replying!

Can you elaborate on "authentication is fired prior to delivery of the request object", or link to a source that says this? My understanding was that requesting auth is accomplished by the server sending a 401 (possibly with the WWW-Authenticate or similar headers), and the client sends auth by responding with its own header. This sending/receiving of the headers surely happens after express has built the request object..?

Even in the code here:

    return function authMiddleware(req, res, next) {

req is available by definition, since its an express middleware. I dont think its even possible to have an express middleware without there being a req.

LionC commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late reply - I am still in the process of rewriting in typescript before releasing new features. Passing req will be one of them. @yonilerner I will accept PRs once that is done and I have a contributors agreement in place.

I will close this for now, thanks for the elaborate answers @yonilerner !

tahpot commented 4 years ago

Any update on this?