LionC / express-basic-auth

Plug & play basic auth middleware for express
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Constant time to protect against timing attacks #20

Closed hraban closed 5 years ago

hraban commented 5 years ago

Using native string compare for passwords (even when hashed) exposes you to timing attacks. Using a constant time string compare protects against this.

hraban commented 5 years ago

~Note that this still leaks the length of the password. To also protect against that you must hash both passwords, then use constant time compare.~

upstream has been fixed; length of the password is now not leaked anymore.

hraban commented 5 years ago

hello all, any update on this? is there anything in the way of this getting merged?

hraban commented 5 years ago

@LionC is there anything specific blocking this PR? Anything I can do to help it getting merged? It's a bit of a security issue at the moment, and anyone using this module with a standard comparator is at risk. Would be lovely to get this one step closer to merging, for the greater good :)

LionC commented 5 years ago

Hi @hraban, thanks for pinging me again about this! I had a lot on my mind the last months, keeping me from doing the typescript rewrite, which I planned to include your proposal into.

As I do not know how much time I will have the next weeks, I will look into your proposal until this Sunday and make sure, that we change the comparison to be constant time instead.

hraban commented 5 years ago

hope you're fine and healthy! best of luck with whatever's bugging you.

if you're going to rewrite in typescript you won't be able to use the & trick on booleans, unfortunately. We ended up just doing:

  // explicit full comparison to avoid leaking data about username
  let ok = true;
  ok = safeCompare(username, && ok;
  ok = safeCompare(password, credentials.pass) && ok;
  return ok;

I guess it's more readable, in the end.

toverux commented 5 years ago

It is always possible to force TypeScript compiling a bitwise operation on non-numbers by forcefully disabling the type checker with @ts-ignore :)

// @ts-ignore
const bitwise = true & true;
hraban commented 5 years ago

Fair enough :D

LionC commented 5 years ago

I like the version with the ts compiler annotation @toverux ! I just googled around a bit and noticed that the crypto module also offers a time-safe compare method nowadays, so I might change some parts of the PR @hraban, as I try not to add any dependencies if possible.

hraban commented 5 years ago

yes, the safe-compare dependency is essentially a passthrough for that crypto operation if it exists, otherwise a shim for older node versions. it helps support node releases <6.6.0, probably not a very large part of node installations out there anymore?

LionC commented 5 years ago

@hraban as node 6 support ends this month, I decided not to include the dependency. I also decided to provide the time safe compare method from the module. As that would heavily deviate from the code in this PR, I decided to do a new branch to implement all of this and opened a new PR. I made sure to add credits to you and the original author of the safe comparison algorithm.

Would you like to review it?