LionSec / katoolin

Automatically install all Kali linux tools
GNU General Public License v2.0
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E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package multiforcer E: Unable to locate package rainbowcrack #146

Open bengazik opened 6 years ago

bengazik commented 6 years ago

i tried this command:

sudo apt-get -f install acccheck ace-voip amap automater braa casefile cdpsnarf cisco-torch cookie-cadger copy-router-config dmitry dnmap dnsenum dnsmap dnsrecon dnstracer dnswalk dotdotpwn enum4linux enumiax exploitdb fierce firewalk fragroute fragrouter ghost-phisher golismero goofile lbd maltego-teeth masscan metagoofil miranda nmap p0f parsero recon-ng set smtp-user-enum snmpcheck sslcaudit sslsplit sslstrip sslyze thc-ipv6 theharvester tlssled twofi urlcrazy wireshark wol-e xplico ismtp intrace hping3 bbqsql bed cisco-auditing-tool cisco-global-exploiter cisco-ocs cisco-torch copy-router-config doona dotdotpwn greenbone-security-assistant hexorbase jsql lynis nmap ohrwurm openvas-cli openvas-manager openvas-scanner oscanner powerfuzzer sfuzz sidguesser siparmyknife sqlmap sqlninja sqlsus thc-ipv6 tnscmd10g unix-privesc-check yersinia aircrack-ng asleap bluelog blueranger bluesnarfer bully cowpatty crackle eapmd5pass fern-wifi-cracker ghost-phisher giskismet gqrx kalibrate-rtl killerbee kismet mdk3 mfcuk mfoc mfterm multimon-ng pixiewps reaver redfang spooftooph wifi-honey wifitap wifite apache-users arachni bbqsql blindelephant burpsuite cutycapt davtest deblaze dirb dirbuster fimap funkload grabber jboss-autopwn joomscan jsql maltego-teeth padbuster paros parsero plecost powerfuzzer proxystrike recon-ng skipfish sqlmap sqlninja sqlsus ua-tester uniscan vega webscarab websploit wfuzz wpscan xsser zaproxy burpsuite dnschef fiked hamster-sidejack hexinject iaxflood inviteflood ismtp mitmproxy ohrwurm protos-sip rebind responder rtpbreak rtpinsertsound rtpmixsound sctpscan siparmyknife sipp sipvicious sniffjoke sslsplit sslstrip thc-ipv6 voiphopper webscarab wifi-honey wireshark xspy yersinia zaproxy cryptcat cymothoa dbd dns2tcp http-tunnel httptunnel intersect nishang polenum powersploit pwnat ridenum sbd u3-pwn webshells weevely casefile cutycapt dos2unix dradis keepnote magictree metagoofil nipper-ng pipal armitage backdoor-factory cisco-auditing-tool cisco-global-exploiter cisco-ocs cisco-torch crackle jboss-autopwn linux-exploit-suggester maltego-teeth set shellnoob sqlmap thc-ipv6 yersinia beef-xss binwalk bulk-extractor chntpw cuckoo dc3dd ddrescue dumpzilla extundelete foremost galleta guymager iphone-backup-analyzer p0f pdf-parser pdfid pdgmail peepdf volatility xplico dhcpig funkload iaxflood inviteflood ipv6-toolkit mdk3 reaver rtpflood slowhttptest t50 termineter thc-ipv6 thc-ssl-dos acccheck burpsuite cewl chntpw cisco-auditing-tool cmospwd creddump crunch findmyhash gpp-decrypt hash-identifier hexorbase john johnny keimpx maltego-teeth maskprocessor multiforcer ncrack oclgausscrack pack patator polenum rainbowcrack rcracki-mt rsmangler statsprocessor thc-pptp-bruter truecrack webscarab wordlists zaproxy apktool dex2jar python-distorm3 edb-debugger jad javasnoop jd ollydbg smali valgrind yara android-sdk apktool arduino dex2jar sakis3g smali && wget && tar -xzvf bing-ip2hosts-0.4.tar.gz && cp bing-ip2hosts-0.4/bing-ip2hosts /usr/local/bin/

it returned:

Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package acccheck E: Unable to locate package multiforcer E: Unable to locate package rainbowcrack

it doesnt want to download any tools? any help would be much appreciated.

CryptoCanuck commented 6 years ago

Hey, it may be a key issue, can you try installing from the katoolin menu and telling me the apt output from there?

FernandoHurtado commented 6 years ago

I get the same error from the katoolin menu: After adding the kali linux repositories and updating, when I go to 'view categories' and select 'all' I get this output:

Reading package lists. . . Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information. . . Done
E: Unable to locate package acccheck
E: Unable to locate package http-tunnel
E: Unable to locate package acccheck
b0g-lab commented 6 years ago

same question no answer 0.0 @LionSec

tech0bunny commented 6 years ago

I got the same error while installing from katoolin got the solution: deb sana main non-free contrib add this to your sources.list and the run apt update command . this is a Kali sana old repository. Hope it will work for you too.

b0g-lab commented 6 years ago

@tech0bunny it works for me ,thank you~

ballo commented 5 years ago

Doesn't help me

rimurum commented 5 years ago

Works for me also thanks!

christopherarmstrong01 commented 5 years ago

I got the same error while installing from katoolin got the solution: deb sana main non-free contrib add this to your sources.list and the run apt update command . this is a Kali sana old repository. Hope it will work for you too.

This worked for me, thanks!

samking007 commented 4 years ago

how to add that to the source list plz give me a reply

Sachin-23 commented 4 years ago

@samking007 sudo (preferable text editor - vim/nano/etc) /etc/atp/source.list then add " deb sana main non-free contrib " at the end of the file thats it run katoolin update and install tools