LionsAd / drupal_ti

Drupal - Travis Integration
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PhantomJS #35

Closed Decipher closed 9 years ago

Decipher commented 9 years ago

Hi Fabian,

Hopefully you can help me out with something. In epically large amount of test commits based repo,, I'm trying to get some behat tests for my Wysiwyg Fields module sorted out.

The tests work on my local machine with both selenium/firefox and with phantomjs, but no matter what I do, I can't get them to work on Travis.

The major complexity is that they are CKEditor dialog based tests, which requires timing. I have take two approaches, both which work locally, one using the DrupalExtension 'wait for AJAX' step, and the current with a custom 'wait till :element visible' approach. The first approach just failed outright on Travis, whereas the current just sits there until I kill the test (as it's a loop with no timeout).

If there's anything you can think of I would greatly appreciate it.

LionsAd commented 9 years ago

Yes, I had problems on container infra with timing and popup related tests too.

The first thing to do is to enable debug output:


    #- DRUPAL_TI_DEBUG_FILE_OUTPUT="xvfb selenium webserver"

and make it say:

    - DRUPAL_TI_DEBUG_FILE_OUTPUT="xvfb selenium webserver"

Then you will get way more information from selenium / phantomjs why something fails :).

LionsAd commented 9 years ago

I am also investigating if switching to sudo: false fixes that, so that might be worth a try.

I had opened an upstream issue in DrupalDriver, but they seem to be of the thought that it is a "won't fix".

My current experiments can be seen here:

Decipher commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your response. What I gathered by looking at your panopoly tests was that there shouldn't be any reason why mine didn't work, so I did a bit more digging and it turned out that my enabling of the test module wasn't working properly locally.

Simple addition of 'drupal_flush_all_caches()' resolved the problem.

Now to write a suite of tests.

Thanks again.