LipiLee / ToyVpn

Building ToyVpn in Android source sample on Android Studio
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How i can install ToyVpn server? #2

Open initux opened 4 years ago

initux commented 4 years ago

How i can install ToyVpn server? I need help..... what kind of vpn technology server support toyvpn... please give me answer any person

LipiLee commented 4 years ago

This project is imported from AOSP(Android Open Source Project). You can find both original client and server source code in AOSP. And any encryption mechanism is not implemented in this sample.

robertopoire commented 4 years ago

Hi, there is way to configure Allowed apps on native vpn client in andorid ? VpnService.Builder.addAllowedApplication()

It is possible use toyvpn instead of native vpn client ?

I need to allow only one app to firewall when I use vpn always on , but now when option always on is active ( dns delcared ) I cannot use oher app becasue traffic intenet doesn't work . Thanks
