LiquidPlayer / LiquidCore

Node.js virtual machine for Android and iOS
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Problems with metro bundler #171

Open Deepp0925 opened 4 years ago

Deepp0925 commented 4 years ago

For some weird reason metro bundler does not work properly. When I ran the "npm run bundler" to generate bundled file, it works fine without any warnings. But when I run it on the device it threw an error "util.inherits is not a function". Although, my node app works completely fine when I am running webpack to bundle.

How to reproduce

// A micro service will exit when it has nothing left to do. So to // avoid a premature exit, set an indefinite timer. When we // exit() later, the timer will get invalidated. setInterval(() => {}, 10000);

console.log("Hello, World!");

// Listen for a request from the host for the 'ping' event LiquidCore.on("ping", () => { // When we get the ping from the host, respond with "Hello, World!" // and then exit. LiquidCore.emit("pong", { message: "Hello, there" }); });

// Ok, we are all set up. Let the host know we are ready to talk LiquidCore.emit("ready");

const node = dht({ // just join as an ephemeral node // as we are shortlived ephemeral: true, });

const topic = crypto .createHash("sha256") .update("Some-Random-Channel") .digest();

// announce a port

node.unannounce(topic, { port: 12345 }, function (err) { if (err) throw err;

console.log("began announcing"); });

If you need help with this let me know
ericwlange commented 4 years ago

Which version of LiquidCore are you using? There was definitely a problem using the metro bundler with the minifier turned on, which is the default for bundling. I turned it off by default in one of the latest releases. Can you confirm that the bundle is not minified?