LiquidPlayer / LiquidCore

Node.js virtual machine for Android and iOS
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how to make "webtorrent_cli.js" #21

Closed punkwang closed 7 years ago

punkwang commented 7 years ago

how to make "webtorrent_cli.js"

ericwlange commented 7 years ago

Yeah, webtorrent_cli.js is a bit of a hack. LiquidServer is not mature enough yet to deal with really complex JavaScript.

To make the file, do the following:

% mkidr temp
% cd temp
% npm install webtorrent-cli
% cp $NODE_MODULES/webtorrent-cli/bin/cmd.js .

Then, edit cmd.js and add the two LiquidCore lines:


LiquidCore.emit('torrent_done', { files: torrent.files });

torrentDone() // <-- Add the above line before this one



LiquidCore.emit('draw', { progress: torrent.progress });

peerslisted += 1 // <-- Add the above line before this
return linesRemaining > 4

And finally, comment out the ascii-logo.txt chunk:

function runHelp () {
/* <-- add this
  fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'ascii-logo.txt'), 'utf8')
    .forEach(function (line) {
      clivas.line('{bold:' + line.substring(0, 20) + '}{red:' + line.substring(20) + '}')
*/ // <-- and this


% browserify -o webtorrent_cli.js --node --im --noparse=process --noparse=assert --noparse=buffer --noparse=child_process --noparse=constants --noparse=crypto --noparse=events --noparse=fs --noparse=os --noparse=path --noparse=process --noparse=readline --noparse=stream --noparse=url --noparse=util --noparse=vm cmd.js

It should work. You might have an issue with an exception looking for package.json. If that's the case, after the file is generated, comment out the line where it is requesting it.

punkwang commented 7 years ago

i try to use "peerflix" but can not to work

04-06 14:19:37.125 6930-6970/com.liquidtest E/libGameXtend: LUCID_1 (1491459577125) PowerXtend identified application start. Package name: com.liquidtest. Application is handled by GameXtend 04-06 14:19:38.423 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 04-06 14:19:38.424 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 04-06 14:19:38.424 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 04-06 14:19:38.424 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSFunction.function( 04-06 14:19:38.424 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSFunction.functionCallback( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: Caused by: Error: access denied (EACCES) 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSContext.evaluateScript( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSContext.evaluateScript( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.service.MicroService.onProcessStart( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.node.Process.eventOnStart( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.node.Process.access$800( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.node.Process$3.__nodedroid_onLoad( 04-06 14:19:38.425 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: ... 4 more 04-06 14:19:38.426 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 04-06 14:19:38.427 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSFunction.function( 04-06 14:19:38.427 6930-7028/com.liquidtest W/System.err: at org.liquidplayer.javascript.JSFunction.functionCallback(

punkwang commented 7 years ago

can you try to make "peerflix"


punkwang commented 7 years ago

"webtorrent_cli" can not work !!!!

ericwlange commented 7 years ago

Why don't you just use the webtorrent_cli.js that is included in the example project? It works.

punkwang commented 7 years ago

the "webtorrent_cli.js" demo can not work in my android real device

ericwlange commented 7 years ago

Can you try this one? I tested this just yesterday and it worked for me. If it fails, please send me the dalvik log.

ericwlange commented 7 years ago

Closing. Please reopen if this doesn't work.