Liquipedia / Lua-Modules

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Grand Final map increased for Match 2 Brackets #4293

Open FenrirWulf opened 3 months ago

FenrirWulf commented 3 months ago

Based off an idea concept from Rainbow Six:

PaTcHiZzEl — 5/26/2024 at 7:45 PM (PDT)

I have a suggestion:

In the Copy Paste bracket code generator, could there be a parameter for setting Number of Maps in the Grand Finals separate from the rest of the bracket? In almost every bracket I create, the # of maps in the final is greater than the rest of the bracket, so I end up having to generate code twice.

Not important but would be a nice QoL``

Often times Grand Finals of brackets have an increased map pool than the preceeding rounds. So a Grand Final might be a Bo9 instead of Bo5.

Would need to know what the Grand Finals Map count is in advanced (probably a new form field), then actually apply it. This would also change the map vetos process

hjpalpha commented 3 months ago

please copy the discord comment over here so when the discord link breaks we still know what this is about

hjpalpha commented 3 months ago

possible solution

  1. adjust commons to pass along bracketdata in
  2. adjust all customs to avoid annotation errors
  3. add a function (to /base imo) that checks if a match has has 3rd place / reset match info in its bracketdata — this indicates a finals match fwiw
  4. adjust the r6 custom