Lirt / velero-plugin-for-openstack

Openstack Cinder, Manila and Swift plugin for Velero backups
MIT License
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Issues accessing the Swift object store #26

Closed albebeto closed 3 years ago

albebeto commented 3 years ago


we would like to use Velero on Kubernetes clusters built on our OpenStack cloud platfort, where the object storage is based Ceph radosgw.

We have done the following:

$ velero install --provider "" --plugins lirt/velero-plugin-for-openstack:v0.2.1 --bucket velero --no-secret
kubectl -n velero create secret generic openstack-cloud-credentials 
--from-literal OS_PASSWORD=$OS_PASSWORD 
--from-literal OS_AUTH_URL=$OS_AUTH_URL 
--from-literal OS_USERNAME=$OS_USERNAME 
--from-literal OS_PROJECT_ID=$OS_PROJECT_ID 
-o yaml

We have checked that with this set of credentials we manage to authenticate to the project using both openstack and swift client.

kubectl edit deployment velero -n velero
        - name: OS_AUTH_URL
              key: OS_AUTH_URL
              name: openstack-cloud-credentials

The setup looks OK, however velero backups fail:

$ velero backup create wordpress-backup --include-namespaces wordpress
Backup request "wordpress-backup" submitted successfully.
Run `velero backup describe wordpress-backup` or `velero backup logs wordpress-backup` for more details.

$ velero get backup
wordpress-backup   Failed   0        0          2021-07-28 14:48:26 +0000 UTC   29d       default            <none>

$ velero describe backup wordpress-backup
Name:         wordpress-backup
Namespace:    velero
Phase:  Failed (run `velero backup logs wordpress-backup` for more information)
Errors:    0
Warnings:  0
  Included:  wordpress
  Excluded:  <none>
  Included:        *
  Excluded:        <none>
  Cluster-scoped:  auto
Label selector:  <none>
Storage Location:  default
Velero-Native Snapshot PVs:  auto
TTL:  720h0m0s
Hooks:  <none>
Backup Format Version:  1.1.0
Started:    2021-07-28 14:48:26 +0000 UTC
Completed:  2021-07-28 14:48:30 +0000 UTC
Expiration:  2021-08-27 14:48:26 +0000 UTC
Total items to be backed up:  19
Items backed up:              19
Velero-Native Snapshots:  2 of 2 snapshots completed successfully (specify --details for more information)

In particular, velero manages to make snapshots of the persistent volumes, but cannot write into the object store.

Among the velero logs we found these messages:

time="2021-07-28T14:48:30Z" level=error msg="Error uploading log file" backup=wordpress-backup bucket=velero error="rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create new object in bucket velero with key backups/wordpress-backup/wordpress-backup-logs.gz: Resource not found" logSource="pkg/persistence/object_store.go:231" prefix=

time="2021-07-28T14:48:30Z" level=error msg="backup failed" controller=backup error="rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create new object in bucket velero with key backups/wordpress-backup/velero-backup.json: Resource not found" key=velero/wordpress-backup logSource="pkg/controller/backup_controller.go:281"

It looks like velero can read the container: we uploaded a test object on the container and found that velero complains about it:

time="2021-07-28T12:35:06Z" level=error msg="Current backup storage locations available/unavailable/unknown: 0/1/0, Backup storage location \"default\" is unavailable: Backup store contains invalid top-level directories: [test.png])" controller=backup-storage-location logSource="pkg/controller/backup_storage_location_controller.go:164"

Can you help us understanding why velero cannot use the object store to complete the backups?

Thank you in advance,


Lirt commented 3 years ago

Hello @albebeto,

First of all I'm sorry I missed that you created issue in July.

Let me try to help you, so let's go step by step:

First use the same openstack credentials that you defined in kubernetes secret to make sure you can execute command below and check that there is a bucket with name velero:

$ swift list
$ swift list velero

Second in velero log you should see message Authentication successful. This will tell us that authentication is OK also from plugin side.

Noe: you can simplify the deployment yaml to have this to load all env. vars from secret like this:

        - secretRef:
            name: openstack-cloud-credentials

One reason can be that the Member role is not enough for velero to create and upload objects into a specific bucket. Can you try to create some object in the bucket from swift CLI? Something like this to ensure you have correct rights:

$ echo "hello" > velero-test
$ swift upload velero velero-test       
$ rm velero-test
$ swift download velero velero-test
$ cat velero-test

If nothing helps, can you please recreate the backup, wait until it fails again and then print either whole log as a file or just grep error from the log?

$ kubectl logs velero-<POD_ID> | grep -i -e "error" -e "fail"
Lirt commented 3 years ago

Closed because of no response from issue reporter.