Open LisbethRasmussen opened 10 years ago
The Tanks (Right and Left) are now able to move and shoot without bugs!
Still need to make the people run around like headless chicken
Today have the code to the people been made! The only thing there is need is to add them into the array itself (right now is "testBox1" being used to test it on the stage) and this issue can be closed! :+1:
When the parachute troopers fall, they will shoot continously (3 shots pr. second or the like.) These bullet objects shall be spawned in the same manner as the tank grenades. They shall not be composition.
The bullets will however not have a fixed point to which they move. When they are spawned, they shall move from the shooting point in a streight line.
The "bullets" will have to be detroyed when either, hitting another object (any object), or leave the screen area.
we now have 5 terrified women animations. These shalle be spawned randomely from either direction meaning:
There will be two sets of each women. One who runs from left to right, and one who runs from right to left.
I imagine something like an array holding those who comes from the left, and an array holding those who comes from the right.
These people wille then randomly be chosen to be spawned. At the moment, the spawntime of the people will be one every 3 second.
About the speed they are moving with, it may differ from woman to woman, but this will be dealt with later on in the process. Most likely, a middle speed set for all will be used.
When they run out of the crean, they shall be destroyed as well.