LispCookbook / cl-cookbook

The Common Lisp Cookbook
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Developing and deploying lisp applications on mobile #45

Open vityok opened 9 years ago

vityok commented 9 years ago

Since mobile platforms are so popular nowdays I think that a chapter on developing lisp applications for Android and iOS would be a great improvement.

Something like a Common Lisp for mobile HOWTO.

pnathan commented 9 years ago

It would be great if someone could contribute a chapter!

chuchana commented 9 years ago

Just a list of possible implementations:

vindarel commented 7 years ago

Not CL, but Shen for IOs:

pnathan commented 7 years ago

Shen isn't CL, so The Lisp Cookbook isn't the right home for it. Interesting language though.

vindarel commented 7 years ago

Nice post with screens of ECL + Qt5 for Android (and replaces the obsolete ecl-android link above).

peterwang commented 4 years ago . I've played with it for a while and it is a nice mobile lisp enviroment.

vindarel commented 2 years ago

SBCL build for Android (termux):