Lissy93 / web-check

🕵️‍♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website
MIT License
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Some questions #79

Closed hernanpopper closed 4 months ago

hernanpopper commented 4 months ago

Hi! This is absolutely great!

I am a complete noobie, but hoping to learn! I have some questions, hopefully you can help me.

1) I always get the same errors. Is it something wrong on my side? image

2) I registered and created the APIs as indicated in the readme, but I don't see any changes in the outcome... image

Thanks so much!

hernanpopper commented 4 months ago

I should add that I am using Netlify... could that be the reason for these issues?

Lissy93 commented 4 months ago

If you click "Show error" then it should show why a certain check failed. Without more info, it's not possible to say. Could you share the URL, the server-side logs and the client-side logs?

But it looks like you're API keys aren't present / being read, and/or haven't got headless Chromium working properly.