ListenLab / VOT

VOT manipulation
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 2 forks source link

script fails run with default setting on demo sound files #1

Open xf15 opened 3 years ago

xf15 commented 3 years ago


Using Praat version 6.1
User selected DT_Deer as the voiced endpoint
User selected DT_Tier as the voiceless endpoint


User selections
Selected an aspiration segment from DT_Tier sound
   with onset landmark at 0.05009754476503245
   and offset landmark at 0.1210087903474147

Replicating the last 0.005 at the end of the aspiration segment
   to support the maximum length of the VOT continuum

Marked 0.054190237498508174 as the vowel onset in the DT_Deer sound

VOT steps 
VOT_1   0.01 
VOT_2   0.02 
VOT_3   0.03 
VOT_4   0.04 
VOT_5   0.05 
VOT_6   0.06 
VOT_7   0.07 

Added 0.05 silence at the onset of each sound
Added 3 ms aspiration at the end for blending into the vowel

Vowel-cutback information:
For each 1 ms of VOT, 0.65 ms of vowel cutback
(0.65 vowel-cutback ratio)
Maximum vowel cutback actually used: 0.046
Maximum vowel cutback duration permitted: 0.7 seconds

Original sound F0 onset: 121.0
F0 continuum minimum:  116.0
F0 continuum maximum:  146.0
Modification declared as relative change from the original

F0 steps: 
F0_1    116 
F0_2    121 
F0_3    126 
F0_4    131 
F0_5    136 
F0_6    141 
F0_7    146 

Pitch analysis between 65 and 275 Hz

Aspiration intensities (dB)
aspiration_int_1    58.1 
aspiration_int_2    59.1 
aspiration_int_3    60.1 
aspiration_int_4    61.1 
aspiration_int_5    62.1 
aspiration_int_6    63.1 
aspiration_int_7    64.1 

Aspiration change (dB)
aspiration_int_change_1 -6 
aspiration_int_change_2 -5 
aspiration_int_change_3 -4 
aspiration_int_change_4 -3 
aspiration_int_change_5 -2 
aspiration_int_change_6 -1 
aspiration_int_change_7 0 

Used 0.006 as the VOT cross-fade duration 

Output sounds maintained natural intensity-VOT relationship
(not equalized for RMS)

Vowel onset intensitying ramping

using praat 6.1.51 on mac 10.15

xf15 commented 3 years ago

also endif is missing for

xf15 commented 3 years ago

i made shape_vowel_envelope_onset 0 to circumvent the error from that formula for now. i think the product works for my purpose! thank you so much for the script!