LitaoYang-Jet / OCTID

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Question about some hyper-parameters setting #1

Open RichardChangCA opened 2 years ago

RichardChangCA commented 2 years ago

Hello, Litao

Thanks for your amazing work. Recently, I read your paper and supplementary files in detail, and trying to reproduce your method for further usage. Could I ask for some hyper-parameters setting you use without mentioned in the paper, please? like n_neighbors and min_dist in UMAP and other hyper-parameters in UMAP or OC-SVM. Since I tried several different hyper-parameters, I only get some reasonable good results, but not good enough. I use tensorflow 2.0 version, but I guess you use pytorch inside the PyPI package. I tried your PyPI package in pytorch environment, and it works wonderful.

Thanks for your help.

Best, Lingfeng

Docurdt commented 2 years ago

Hi Lingfeng,

Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for your interest to our work! We used PyTorch inside the OCTID. For the hyperparameters, we were not painstakingly tune them and most of the time the default values were used. We are sorry that we did not test OCTID with Tensorflow. Sometimes, weird things happen when you switch between PyTorch and Tensorflow. Have you tried upgrade your Tensorflow to the latest version?

All the best, YN