Just went through the procedure - thanks for documenting it so well!
Here are some additions and corrections that might help to make it even better:
Add "Please install ESP32 boards core version 2.0.17" from readme.md to the document and add instructions:
Add menu location for doing this (Arduino IDE V2.3.3): Tools / Board / Boards Manager
Fill esp32 into Filter your search...
In section for esp32 by Espressif Systems use the drop-down list beside the UPDATE or INSTALL button to select Version 2.0.17
hit the INSTALL button
Add information (URL) about where to get the Arduino IDE
Add menu location for choosing the right board (Arduino IDE V2.3.3): Tools / Board / esp32 / ESP32 Dev Module
In point 6 add information about whether the printer is allowed to be connected to a 12V power supply while powering it from usb-c via the CP2102 board (I disconnected the main 12V power while flashing)
In point 9 change Hit Upload until the upload is complete. into Hit Upload and wait until the upload completed. (the button does not need to be pressed all the time while uploading *eg* 😉)
Just went through the procedure - thanks for documenting it so well!
Here are some additions and corrections that might help to make it even better: