LiteLDev / LeviLamina

A lightweight, modular and versatile mod loader for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, formerly known as LiteLoaderBDS
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.14k stars 117 forks source link

File.mkdir() 函数存在创建失败却返回true的bug #429

Closed yunyizea closed 2 years ago

yunyizea commented 2 years ago

Exceptions module 异常模块

ScriptEngine 脚本引擎

Operating System 操作系统

Windows Server 2019

LiteLoader version LiteLoader版本


BDS version BDS版本


What happened? 发生了什么问题?


Steps to reproduce? 复现此问题的步骤

创建test.js 置于plugin文件夹 `mc.listen('onServerStarted', () => { // 创建config文件,注意config是文件不是文件夹 let _file = new File('config', file.WriteMode); _file.close();

// 检测文件/夹是否存在
if(File.exists('config')) {
    colorLog('green', '文件存在');
} else {
    colorLog('red', '文件不存在');

// 创建config/xxx文件,注意config是文件不是文件夹
if(File.mkdir('config/xxx')) {
    colorLog('green', '文件创建成功');
}else {
    colorLog('red', '文件创建失败');


Relevant log output 有关的日志/输出

17:27:53 INFO [PreLoader] LLAutoUpdate.dll Injected.
17:27:53 INFO [PreLoader] [Symbol] Loading symbols from pdb...
17:27:54 INFO [PreLoader] [Symbol] Fast Dlsym Loaded <307064>
17:27:54 INFO [PreLoader] LiteLoader.dll Injected.

          _     _ _       _                    _
         | |   (_) |_ ___| |    ___   __ _  __| | ___ _ __
         | |   | | __/ _ \ |   / _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
         | |___| | ||  __/ |__| (_) | (_| | (_| |  __/ |
         |_____|_|\__\___|_____\___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

       --------   Light-Weight BDS Plugin Loader   ----------

17:27:54 INFO [LiteLoader] Loading plugins...
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] * ScriptEngine for Js loaded
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] * ScriptEngine for Lua loaded
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] ScriptEngine initializing...
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] ScriptEngine for Js loaded
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Version 2.2.5
17:27:55 WARN [EconomicSystem] LLMoney.dll not found, ScriptEngine Economy System won't work
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Dependence BaseLib.js loaded.
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Loading plugins...
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] test.js loaded.
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] 1 Js plugins loaded in all.
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] ScriptEngine for Lua loaded
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Version 2.2.5
17:27:55 WARN [EconomicSystem] LLMoney.dll not found, ScriptEngine Economy System won't work
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Dependence BaseLib.lua loaded.
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] Loading plugins...
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] 0 Lua plugins loaded in all.
17:27:55 INFO [LiteLoader] 0 plugin(s) loaded
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Starting Server
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Version 503) with LiteLoaderBDS 2.2.5
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Session ID df09f2ab-37f6-4eb3-80e7-528150b5d9ee
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Level Name: Bedrock level
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Game mode: 0 Survival
17:27:55 INFO [Server] Difficulty: 1 EASY
17:27:55 INFO [Server] opening worlds/Bedrock level/db
17:27:57 INFO [Server] IPv4 supported, port: 19132
17:27:57 INFO [Server] IPv6 supported, port: 19133
17:27:58 INFO [LiteLoader] LiteLoader is distributed under the AGPLv3 License
17:27:58 INFO [LiteLoader] 感谢旋律云 对本项目的支持
17:27:58 INFO [test] 文件存在
17:27:58 INFO [test] 文件创建成功
17:27:58 INFO [Server] IPv4 supported, port: 49521
17:27:58 INFO [Server] IPv6 supported, port: 49522
17:27:58 INFO [Server] Done (3.8s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

Plugin list 插件列表

ll list 17:29:38 INFO [Server] Plugin Lists [3] 17:29:38 INFO [Server] - ScriptEngine-Js [v2.2.5] (LiteLoader.Js.dll) 17:29:38 INFO [Server] Javascript ScriptEngine for LiteLoaderBDS 17:29:38 INFO [Server] - test.js [v1.0.0] (test.js) 17:29:38 INFO [Server] test.js 17:29:38 INFO [Server] - ScriptEngine-Lua [v2.2.5] (LiteLoader.Lua.dll) 17:29:38 INFO [Server] Lua ScriptEngine for LiteLoaderBDS 17:29:38 INFO [Server] 17:29:38 INFO [Server] * Send command "ll list " for more information

xiaoqch commented 2 years ago
