LiteLDev / LeviLamina

A lightweight, modular and versatile mod loader for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, formerly known as LiteLoaderBDS
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
1.14k stars 117 forks source link

wine版控制台反复打印0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9 #635

Closed ideaexplorer233 closed 2 years ago

ideaexplorer233 commented 2 years ago




GNU/Linux with wine





控制台反复打印: 0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9

不安装任何插件 Ubuntu 20.04 手动安装的wine


No response


root@iZj6cdkb3ijcxvzx9j83dhZ:/var/minecraft/bedrock_server# wine bedrock_server_mod.exe
0080:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
0080:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.
0080:err:systray:initialize_systray Could not create tray window
00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011EFB0 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011EFA0 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:err:winediag:ntlm_check_version ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
00fc:err:ntlm:ntlm_LsaApInitializePackage no NTLM support, expect problems
[38;2;173;216;230m23:03:17[0m[38;2;032;178;170m INFO [0m[37m[PreLoader] [Symbol] Loading symbols from p
[0m[38;2;173;216;230m23:03:20[0m[38;2;032;178;170m INFO [0m[37m[PreLoader] [Symbol] Fast Dlsym Loaded 
[0m[38;2;173;216;230m23:03:20[0m[38;2;032;178;170m INFO [0m[37m[PreLoader] LiteLoader.dll Injected.
[0m00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011FB18 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011FAE0 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011F980 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011F5F0 1 C) semi-stub
23:03:20 INFO [CrashLogger] Wine Environment
 detected. Builtin CrashLogger will not work.
00fc:fixme:file:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
                                                                       00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011FB10 1 C) semi-stub

          _     _ _       _                    _
         | |   (_) |_ ___| |    ___   __ _  __| | ___ _ __
         | |   | | __/ _ \ |   / _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
         | |___| | ||  __/ |__| (_) | (_| | (_| |  __/ |
         |_____|_|\__\___|_____\___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|_|

       --------   Light-Weight BDS Plugin Loader   ----------

23:03:20 INFO [LiteLoader] Loading plugins...

00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011F060 1 C) semi-stub
23:03:20 INFO [LiteLoader] Plugin <AlwaysBroadca
st.dll> loaded
00fc:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0000000010220000 0 000000000011E1F0 4 stub
23:03:22 INFO [LiteLoader] Plugin <LLAntiCheat_p
r27_fix6_h.dll> loaded
23:03:22 INFO [LiteLoader] Plugin <LLMoney.dll> 
23:03:22 INFO [LiteLoader] Plugin <MovingLight.d
ll> loaded
23:03:22 INFO [LLAC] LiteLoader AntiCheat Loaded
, BuiltTime:Mon Jul 18 10:56:23 2022 Version:1.1.2_BDS_1.19.10_534
23:03:22 INFO [LLAC] Powered By LLAC Developers

23:03:22 INFO [LLAC] Contact us via WangYneos@ou
23:03:22 INFO [LLAC] Config with default values 
00fc:fixme:thread:GetThreadUILanguage : stub, returning default language.
0110:fixme:process:SetProcessPriorityBoost (FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF,1): stub
0110:fixme:powrprof:PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification (0x00000002,000000001063FC90,000000001063FC78) stub!
23:03:22 INFO [LLMoney] Loaded version: 2.4.0

23:03:22 WARN [MovingLight] Could not fi
nd the directory for the configuration file, creating...
23:03:22 WARN [MovingLight] Configuratio
n file not found, creating...
23:03:22 INFO [LiteLoader] 4 plugin(s) loaded

00fc:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (000000000011EEA0 1 C) semi-stub
00fc:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageFamilyName (000000000011E3F0 0000000000000000): stub
00fc:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
23:03:22 INFO [Server] Starting Server
23:03:22 INFO [Server] Version
olVersion 534) with LiteLoaderBDS 2.4.1
23:03:22 INFO [Server] Session ID c9e66fcf-c53b-
23:03:22 INFO [Server] Level Name: Bedrock level

23:03:22 INFO [Server] Game mode: 0 Survival
23:03:22 INFO [Server] Difficulty: 3 HARD
23:03:22 INFO [Server] opening worlds/Bedrock le
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
23:03:26 INFO [Server] IPv4 supported, port: 191
23:03:26 INFO [Server] IPv6 supported, port: 191
23:03:26 INFO [AlwaysBroadcast] The bug is fixed
23:03:26 INFO [MovingLight] loaded, ver 1.7.8, a
uthor: redbeanw.
23:03:26 INFO [LiteLoader] LiteLoader is license
d under AGPLv3
23:03:26 INFO [LiteLoader] Our new forum is live
! ->
23:03:26 INFO [LiteLoader] Thanks to RhyMC(rhymc
.com) for the support
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
23:03:26 INFO [Server] To enable Server Telemetr
y, add the line 'emit-server-telemetry=true' to the file in the bds directory
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
0058:fixme:nsi:ipv6_forward_enumerate_all not implemented
23:03:26 INFO [Server] IPv4 supported, port: 481
23:03:26 INFO [Server] IPv6 supported, port: 437
23:03:26 INFO [Server] Done (6.2s)! For help, ty
pe "help" or "?"
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -90170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -9
0170:fixme:winsock:addrinfo_err_from_unix unhandled error -


23:07:02 INFO [Server] Plugin Lists [4]
23:07:02 INFO [Server] - LLAn
tiCheat [v1.1.2] (LLAntiCheat_pr27_fix6_h.dll)
23:07:02 INFO [Server]   Comm
unity Based AntiCheat Plugin
23:07:02 INFO [Server] - LLMo
ney [v2.4.0] (LLMoney.dll)
23:07:02 INFO [Server]   Econ
omyCore for LiteLoaderBDS
23:07:02 INFO [Server] - Alwa
ysBroadcast [v1.0.5] (AlwaysBroadcast.dll)
23:07:02 INFO [Server]   Fix 
an broadcast bug in bds.
23:07:02 INFO [Server] - Movi
ngLight [v1.7.8] (MovingLight.dll)
23:07:02 INFO [Server]   The 
moving light.
23:07:02 INFO [Server] 
23:07:02 INFO [Server] * Send command "ll list <
Plugin Name>" for more information
ShrBox commented 2 years ago

Typing export WINEDEBUG=-all before you run server 在开服之前先输入export WINEDEBUG=-all