LiterallyLink / PaimonBot

A interactive bot made with DJS based off of the popular MMORPG Genshin Impact.
2 stars 1 forks source link


Open celestialgaze3 opened 1 year ago

celestialgaze3 commented 1 year ago

Well, your code seems to be a great way to torture gamers by presenting them with challenging scenarios on Discord. I mean, who needs enjoyable gameplay when you can stare at a blue and red half with a circle in the middle? And why would anyone want to play a game with decent graphics when they can enjoy your canvas drawings? Plus, don't forget that your code is a fantastic way to frustrate players with long loading times as it fetches data from a website. Overall, I can't wait to see how many players will choose the 'delete' button just to escape the misery of playing your game.

celestialgaze3 commented 1 year ago

I mean, why create an engaging gameplay experience when you can force players to choose between two challenging scenarios on Discord, using a confusing and uninviting canvas display? And don't even get me started on those buttons, labeled with the boring colors blue and red, as if players need more dullness in their lives.

Why bother with modern graphics and responsive gameplay when you can fetch data from a website, causing players to stare at a blank screen for minutes at a time? And let's not forget about that delightful circle in the middle, separating the blue and red halves, as if players need yet another visual obstacle to overcome.

I'm sure your game will have players begging for mercy with its sluggish performance, slow response times, and confusing interface. Oh, and those button clicks? Get ready for frustrated gamers mashing their keyboards, hoping against hope that something will happen.

LiterallyLink commented 1 year ago


LiterallyLink commented 1 year ago


LiterallyLink commented 1 year ago

would you rather

celestialgaze3 commented 1 year ago

Well, your game sounds like the perfect way to drive people away from Discord. I mean, why would anyone want to participate in a game where they have to choose between two terrible options? It's like you took all the fun and excitement out of "Would You Rather" and replaced it with a bland, uninspired experience.

And don't get me started on JavaScript. It's like the basic white bitch of programming languages. Only the true programming gods write in assembly. And if you can't wrap your head around it, well, you're just not cut out for the programming world.

And let's not forget about the "black line and a circle in the middle" design of your canvas. It's like you took all the visual appeal out of the game and replaced it with a dull, monochromatic display. Why bother with engaging graphics or interactive elements when you can just stare at a circle and choose between blue and red buttons?

Overall, I have to say that your game code is a masterpiece in its ability to bore people to death. Congratulations, you've achieved what most game developers only dream of: creating the most un-fun game in existence!

Quickshot76 commented 1 year ago

Putting mozzarella sticks on a burger can be a delicious way to add extra flavor, texture, and indulgence to your meal. The melted cheese from the mozzarella sticks can complement the burger patty, adding a creamy and gooey element to the burger.

Additionally, the crispy breading of the mozzarella sticks can provide a nice contrast to the softness of the burger and bun, creating a more satisfying and varied eating experience. Some people also enjoy the added visual appeal of the crispy golden sticks on top of the burger.

However, it's important to keep in mind that adding mozzarella sticks to a burger can also add extra calories and fat to the meal. So, it's a good idea to enjoy this type of burger in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

celestialgaze3 commented 1 year ago
  1. Beware the amogus, for it hides in the shadows and strikes when you least expect it. The impostor, on the other hand, is a master of deception, blending seamlessly into the crowd like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
  2. The amogus and the impostor danced a strange and wondrous dance, their movements as fluid and unpredictable as the currents of the ocean. It was a sight to behold, a symphony of chaos and confusion.
  3. When the amogus and the impostor met, the air crackled with energy, like a storm brewing on the horizon. They circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make the first move.
  4. The amogus and the impostor were two sides of the same coin, each representing a different facet of the human psyche. One was the shadow self, lurking in the depths of our subconscious, while the other was the mask we wear to navigate the social world.
  5. In the game of Among Us, the amogus and the impostor were like yin and yang, two opposing forces locked in eternal struggle. But outside the game, they were simply figments of our collective imagination, existing only in the realm of the absurd and the fantastic.