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Open utterances-bot opened 9 months ago

utterances-bot commented 9 months ago

Setting up Github Copilot for Neovim NVchad

It is not straight forward to setup github copilot for neovim if you're using NvChad, because the is already mapped to cmp

rbatistacardoso commented 9 months ago

Incredible. I would probably waste a lot more time than you. Thanks!

stedwick commented 8 months ago

To quickly test out Copilot you can add this line into your ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/mappings.lua

M.general = {
  n = {
    ["cp"] = { ":Copilot panel<enter>", "Copilot panel" },

Then type cp in normal mode to get suggestions.

stedwick commented 8 months ago

By the way, thank you Muhammad. This worked like a charm and I never would have figured it out myself =P

trihargianto commented 6 months ago

Thank youu mas