LithApp / Lith

Multiplatform, mobile-focused WeeChat relay client
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Added experimental font family setting on desktop #104

Closed chinese-soup closed 2 years ago

chinese-soup commented 2 years ago

Font family changing is only visible on non-mobile platforms and tries to use GTK native and macOS native font dialogs, if those are not available, it creates its own "inline" QML FontDialog (which it does for me on Linux and on Windows 10).

I emphasize the word "experimental" mainly because some fonts may be not-fully visible in the text input once the font size is set too high and also the QML FontDialog's theme (the inline one, when native is not available) is currently fugged by our theme (probably), so those are the two (at least) reasons why I'm calling it experimental.

Also changed the SettingsInterface UI alignment a bit in a way that imho looks better: Changed w/ Sans Serif (ignore the HOTLIST being to the left, already fixed in latest commit) image Changed w/ Inconsolata image

Original: image

I have more to come regarding overhauling the settings UI, but I am gonna do that laterrrr(TM)... so here's this for now. No idea what it looks like on mobile, as I don't have means to test it right now (and I am also lazy just like you;))

chinese-soup commented 2 years ago

Windows with Comic Sans MS Capture

macOS with Comic Sans MS image

MartinBriza commented 2 years ago

Screenshot 2021-12-03 at 17 30 56 Glorious, thank you!