LitterBrother-Xiao / Overview-of-Non-autoregressive-Applications

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Missing Literature #1

Closed Paulmzr closed 1 month ago

Paulmzr commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for your efforts. This is a great work!

Recently, we have been working on using non-autoregressive models for streaming generation tasks, particularly for simultaneous translation. These efforts seem to have been ignored in this overview. Due to the fast generation property of non-autoregressive models, we believe they have great potential in real-time streaming generation scenarios. If convenient, could you please add the following work to a new Simultaneous Translationcategory?

[23EMNLP] Non-autoregressive Streaming Transformer for Simultaneous Translation [paper] [code] [24ACL] A Non-autoregressive Generation Framework for End-to-End Simultaneous Speech-to-Any Translation [paper][code]

Thank you!

LitterBrother-Xiao commented 1 month ago

@Paulmzr Hi, I have mentioned the new efforts and advance in Simultaneous Translation.

Thank you for reminding me of my negligence. I have added them on GitHub, and will be supplemented in the next version of my survey.

Feel free to contact me again.