LittlePey / SFD

Sparse Fuse Dense: Towards High Quality 3D Detection with Depth Completion (CVPR 2022, Oral)
Apache License 2.0
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Explanation of evaluation output #12

Closed NNtamp closed 1 year ago

NNtamp commented 1 year ago

Hello, great work.

I managed to run the evaluation based on your instructions. Could you please explain what every key in output represents in the results.pkl? For example here what are bbox, dimensions, location boxes_lidar etc:

{'name': array(['Car'], dtype='<U3'), 'truncated': array([0.]), 'occluded': array([0.]), 'alpha': array([-7.9565434], dtype=float32), 'bbox': array([[658.81537, 189.82349, 703.0288 , 223.29366]], dtype=float32), 'dimensions': array([[4.1351438, 1.411387 , 1.6754185]], dtype=float32), 'location': array([[ 3.2973313, 2.27376 , 34.605476 ]], dtype=float32), 'rotation_y': array([-7.8631], dtype=float32), 'score': array([0.82760674], dtype=float32), 'boxes_lidar': array([[34.901024 , -3.2707899, -2.0189538, 4.1351438, 1.6754185, 1.411387 , 6.2923036]], dtype=float32), 'frame_id': '000002'}

LittlePey commented 1 year ago

Hi, we just follow the definition of OpenPCDet code base and we did not investigate each key in detail, but you can refer to this function. The 'truncated' is the degree of truncation by image boundaries. The 'occluded' is the degree of occlusion by other objects. The 'dimensions' may be [length, height, width], the 'boxes_lidar' may be [x, y, z, length, width, height, rotation].

NNtamp commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this.