LittleSaya / IndexOutOfRangeDSPMod

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Qol Suggestions #27

Open Yutengu opened 2 years ago

Yutengu commented 2 years ago

Loving the mod so far its been a great addition to my play through although I do have a few Qol suggestions.

I was wondering when using the item filter if it would be possible to not show any other item slots on the main list that the towers have other than what was selected in the item filter. For example, when selecting iron ore it shows all the towers that produce it but also the other item slots that those towers have such as Copper ore which adds a bit of unnecessary clutter to the whole thing especially when i'm trying to limit what I see to a specific item.

Another nice shortcut would be pressing the Ctrl+F keybind whilst hovering your curser over a specific item in your inventory or tower opens the transport stations window with that item automatically put in the item filter.

In addition to the current sort by station location or name being able to sort by ascending or descending item count as well would be a god send.