Liturgical-Calendar / LiturgicalCalendarAPI

A PHP script / API endpoint that will generate the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar for any given year, calculating the mobile festivities and the precedence of solemnities, feasts, memorials...
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: `EternalHighPriest` setting missing from response metadata #197

Closed JohnRDOrazio closed 2 months ago

JohnRDOrazio commented 2 months ago

What happened?

Even though in v3.9 we implemented the EternalHighPriest setting, however we did not add it to the response output. We should see in the metadata whether the setting applies or not for the current requested calendar.


v3 (Default)

Which browser or browsers are you seeing the problem on? (can select more than one, or N/A if not applicable)


Relevant error messages

No response

JohnRDOrazio commented 2 months ago
