Liturgical-Calendar / LiturgicalCalendarAPI

A PHP script / API endpoint that will generate the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar for any given year, calculating the mobile festivities and the precedence of solemnities, feasts, memorials...
Apache License 2.0
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[Bug]: Mary Mother of God does not have Proper #244

Open JohnRDOrazio opened 3 weeks ago

JohnRDOrazio commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

Mary Mother of God, being a solemnity, has it's own Proper. However, the common and common_lcl properties seem to be empty?


dev (Edge)

Which browser or browsers are you seeing the problem on? (can select more than one, or N/A if not applicable)


Relevant error messages

No response

JohnRDOrazio commented 3 weeks ago

Wow, examining current results it seems that many celebrations do not have a common or common_lcl defined:


Should we expect a common or common_lcl property on these? Are they fine without one? Perhaps at least solemnities and feasts should have a value of Proper...

JohnRDOrazio commented 3 weeks ago

These are the celebrations that have a grade of 4 (=FEAST) or greater:
