LiuShuaiyr / UAVMOT

multi-object tracking meets moving UAV
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ImportError: cannot import name 'correlation_cuda' #18

Closed zosel260 closed 1 year ago

zosel260 commented 1 year ago

Hello, Thank your for sharing your nice work.

I successfully built the 'correlation_package' follow the instructions of

$ cd ./networks/correlation_package $ rm -rf *_cuda.egg-info build dist pycache $ python3 install --user

However, when I run, I got an error like this.

ImportError: cannot import name 'correlation_cuda' from lib.models.networks.correlation_package/

Could you give me any advice?

zosel260 commented 1 year ago

I solved it by explicitly inserting the built object file (.so) path in the

from ctypes import * correlation_cuda = cdll.LoadLibrary("...../correlation_package/buld/