LiujiangYan / ur5-inverse-kinematics-solver

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get_inverse_kin;ur5 script manual #1

Open JiangtaoYin opened 6 years ago

JiangtaoYin commented 6 years ago

hello, I am trying to control ur5 running through a trajectory in windows. I want to use the script function:servoj(), but my data format is based on the tool space(a vector:X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ), so I need to translate the data to joint space. Followed my script code:

def trajPlan():
get_inverse_kin([0.55718 -0.04416 0.45048 -0.95300 1.49430 -0.60280]) = cmd_servo_q

At [(]
i found the ur5 script manual,
 and one of the functions that i can give is called get_inverse_kin(). if i have a c++ program 
running on an external pc, and i send this command to the ur5 to get the joint position, 
then try to use the servoj to servo ur5 with the joint position. but the robot had no response.

I hope someone will be able to  @help,ThomasTimm
fandorath commented 6 years ago

Hey, I am trying to use your inverse kinematics code to control a UR5 Robotarm in Unity3D. The thing is I have to convert the code to C#. And there are some parts that I don't understand. If you could contact me, I would appreciate it. E-Mail :