LiveHelperChat / osTicket

osTicket extension for Live Helper Chat
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Custom fields #13

Open bkerest opened 3 years ago

bkerest commented 3 years ago


Thank you for the module! It is excellent!

There is a problem that I face. I am sure there is a solution... but need help.

I added some custom fields on the Chat Start. e.g. Company name with identifier custom_company

The problem is that I would like this to come on the osTicket at a specific possition, like the {nick} {country} etc


But this doesn't work. obviously the {*****} that I have to write is something different.... but what this could be?

remdex commented 3 years ago


You can try to write

{additional_data} but it will be just json array.

You can see here how I write

At the moment because lack of time I don't have time to extend replacement workflow. But donation would help for sure :D

bkerest commented 3 years ago

Thank you remdex!

yest I have seen the {additional_data} in the end, but as you said all together! Thank you!