LiveHelperChat / xmpp-chat

This is repository for full XMPP chat support. Standalone and automated hosting environment is supported.
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i don't really get how this works #15

Open f1-outsourcing opened 4 months ago

f1-outsourcing commented 4 months ago

I already have an xmpp server and an xmpp client on the desktop. Only need to add some code to the website so a website visitor can ask me something.

Is this possible? I am not looking for something fancy with audio or video or file transfers just basic writing. As tiny as possible, just some code that I can add to the website.

remdex commented 4 months ago

This plugin is not tested and updated for long time so it's easier to use telegram integration just

f1-outsourcing commented 4 months ago

:) I am searching already for quite some time, unbelievable this is so difficult to fine. Is telegram using xmpp? and you can send messages from xmpp to telegram? I don't use telegram currently

remdex commented 4 months ago

Telegram can be used as a mobile client