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Make Amazing implement CustomStringConvertible somehow #27

Open ghowen opened 5 years ago

ghowen commented 5 years ago

This one is beyond me: Amazing uses String(describing: self) in the computed property description. When I try to make Amazing implement CustomStringConvertible, the compiler does not complain, but I run into a BAD EXEC at runtime.

It looks like as this overwrites the default implementation, which I need to access to get the description.

If someone is smart enough to find a way to achieve this, this would be great, as we already are compliant to the protocol. I just don't know how to express this.

I also tried to use String(reflecting: self) in the computed description property instead but this also gives a BAD EXEC at runtime.

divadretlaw commented 5 years ago

It does not overwrite the default implementation. String(describing: self) simply checks if self conforms to CustomStringConvertible and if it does it will use self.description therefore we will run into a loop resulting in BAD_EXEC.

If self does not conform to CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible or TextOutputStreamable it will use the Swift Standard Library implementation. I'm unsure if we can (or even should) use the Swift Standard Library implementation directly as it uses internal functions.