LiveUI / S3

S3 Client written in Swift
MIT License
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Dependencies still appear to be off #12

Open EricWVGG opened 6 years ago

EricWVGG commented 6 years ago

building with 3.0.0-RC3.0.1

    code: 1,
    error: "error: the package PackageReference(identity: \"s3\", name: nil, path: \"\", isLocal: false) @ 3.0.0-alpha.1 contains revisioned dependencies:\n    PackageReference(identity: \"vaportesttools\", name: nil, path: \"\", isLocal: false) @ master\n"
Joebayld commented 6 years ago

Having the same issue here..

rafiki270 commented 6 years ago

Should be fixed in, could you guys check?

Joebayld commented 6 years ago

I'm still having problems here. Do I need the VaporTestTools dependency? I'd rather just get rid of it for my use.

rafiki270 commented 6 years ago

I see, we need it as it will be easiest way to test/mock S3 lib in your apps. I understand there is not much at the moment but there is quite lot of work coming into this ... but yeah, if there is a compatibility issue will fit that ASAP! @Joebayld

Joebayld commented 6 years ago

Got it. I'll try and sort out why this is being problematic and report back.

rafiki270 commented 6 years ago

If you having issues I would assume problem will be somewhere downstream on the test tools dependencies

jdmcd commented 6 years ago

@rafiki270 I am hitting this problem as well. Since this is (to my knowledge) the only Vapor 3 compatible S3 library I would classify this as a pretty critical problem. Any chance you can look into why dependencies might not be resolving? Thank you!

rafiki270 commented 6 years ago

@mcdappdev really don't see what could be off :( ... any ideas?

jdmcd commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure, unfortunately. Your package files seem to be ok but maybe it's something with Package.resolved?

rausnitz commented 6 years ago

I made a fork that only depends on Vapor and therefore avoids the aforementioned dependency problems. The fork only provides the S3 signer functionality, but if that's all you need, then it works:

(I'm not sure why I had to specify the branch in Package.swift. When I tried doing from: "3.0.0" then my vapor update command would hang.)

jdmcd commented 6 years ago

@rausnitz Awesome! I'll use yours. Thanks :)

rafiki270 commented 6 years ago

guys, do you by any chance have any logs to share or does the process just freeze?

lluuaapp commented 6 years ago

I think this is an issue with the Swift Package Manager. I had this too, but updated the dependencies of the main project (all the latest version of the packages, some pinned to the latest version) and deleted Package.resolved. After that, run

vapor build --verbose --clean

and you will see the package that the package manager gets stuck resolving.

EricWVGG commented 6 years ago

This is working for me now with RC2 (and Mojave, if that makes any difference).