Open mustachedkdev opened 4 years ago
Seems like there should be come conditional imports depending on linux or mac environment
@mustachedkdev @rafiki270 I'm running into this issue as well on Docker with swift:5.1.3-xenial
. Have you found any work arounds or solutions?
Use this here on master, it’s the fix:
PR coming soon too ;)
remote: /app/.build/checkouts/S3/Sources/S3/Extensions/S3+Private.swift:15:107: error: use of undeclared type 'URLRequest' remote: func make(request url: URL, method: HTTPMethod, headers: HTTPHeaders, data: Data? = nil, cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy = .useProtocolCachePolicy, on container: Container) throws -> Future {
remote: ^ {
remote: ^
~~~~~ remote: /app/.build/checkouts/S3/Sources/S3/Extensions/S3+Private.swift:27:29: error: use of undeclared type 'URLRequest' remote: func execute(_ request: URLRequest, on container: Container) -> Future~~~~~ remote: /app/.build/checkouts/S3/Sources/S3/Extensions/S3+Private.swift:51:58: error: 'HTTPURLResponse' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it. remote: static func convert(foundationResponse httpResponse: HTTPURLResponse, data: Data?, on worker: Worker) -> HTTPResponse { remote: ^~~~~~~ remote: Foundation.HTTPURLResponse:2:18: note: 'HTTPURLResponse' has been explicitly marked unavailable here remote: public typealias HTTPURLResponse = AnyObject remote: ^ remote: /app/.build/checkouts/S3/Sources/S3/Extensions/S3+Private.swift:16:23: error: use of unresolved identifier 'URLRequest' remote: var request = URLRequest(url: url, cachePolicy: cachePolicy) remote: ^~~~~~ remote: /app/.build/checkouts/S3/Sources/S3/Extensions/S3+Private.swift:30:9: error: 'URLSession' is unavailable: This type has moved to the FoundationNetworking module. Import that module to use it. remote: URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { (data, urlResponse, error) in remote: ^~~~~~ remote: Foundation.URLSession:2:18: note: 'URLSession' has been explicitly marked unavailable here remote: public typealias URLSession = AnyObject