Livepeer-Community-Node / Grant-Program

Livepeer Community Transcoder Node's Grant Program
10 stars 5 forks source link

user Journey+ Site Map : LP Website #12

Closed minsiwang04 closed 4 years ago

minsiwang04 commented 5 years ago





Site Map+ User Journey Deliverable

User Journey for the website will include: I. Persona: Defined with user research with X. Yue. . The user is a first time non technical LivePeer user who is interested in staking LPT token to a transcoder. The user persona will be further break down by motivation to investment oriented user or utility/technology oriented user.
II. User goal: Define user goal for each step for website user from sign up-> staking-> community member III. Process: Map out the process for user to reach each step


Other Deliverables

Reference: New user journey map_Initial Review of different user support services and customer journey for finding support on the site

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Hi @minsiwang04 this looks good! Because I'm planning the full site, we can set up a few hours over the coming weeks for M2. I will reach out via email. How many user journeys would you like to conduct? The reward is 5 LPT, and you can give me your discord name and I will connect you with Alvin to get those started. I'd love for him to start asking people if they want to join today.

Also, can we get a bit more clear on what M2 entails? Ideally, I would like for this to identify what assets should exist and where. E.g., this will be tell me what content to bring in to the website, where the primer flows into this, and if any new assets, tutorials, etc. need to be included and where.

minsiwang04 commented 5 years ago

@RaffiSapire : Thanks for your feedback. I updated the proposal base on your comments (on/off ghb) , let me know of any needed additions