Livepeer-Community-Node / Grant-Program

Livepeer Community Transcoder Node's Grant Program
10 stars 5 forks source link

Wish List: Community Platform 500 - 3000 LPT #2

Open RaffiSapire opened 5 years ago

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Help us build the Livepeer community hub that holds all information about the platform. Currently information about livepeer lives across many platforms including forum, read the docs, medium, discord, youtube, GitHub. This creates a poor user on boarding experience for new users who join the community and want to participate as token holders or transcoders

Goal Create a cohesive on boarding experience for users that builds trust, enthusiasm, and engagement Understand what token holders want through user interviews and ensure platform helps them achieve their objectives Grow community of bonded token holders who care about the network, engage in discussion and debate, and hold orchestrators accountable

Content to include Using Livepeer: Get started here - what should this be?! Community: Join the discussion - link to discord Blog - link FAQ - searchable FAQ Staking - tutorials, examples, content Orchestrating - tutorials, examples, content

Resources Sites we love: D.Live

Suggested Steps to Submission Read the Livepeer 101 and Streamflow Get token and bond on to understand how the explorer app and user experience works today Comment to this issue with your proposal. Include mockups of your product and user flow, as well as technical milestones and timelines. Questions? Jump in to discord and ask us anything! The whole team is here to help you along the way. RSAP is my name on discord.

obaviet commented 5 years ago

Hi, this is image demo 2019-02-09 17 26 39 2019-02-09 17 29 48

It will be edited as required to create the smoothest experience 8 day working completed

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Hey Obaviet. Would encourage you to pick one audience you are building the hub for. Right now all of these call to actions look very similar to the website. Is this for a general token holder who isn't technical? Or a developer who wants to contribute? Or someone who wants to be an infrastructure provider and run a transcoder node? Once you pick an audience, then I can help you on what they care about, what their goals are.

Also, why does this need to be on zendesk? Our worry here is this is another thing to maintain. What can we do that is linked to our existing platforms (github, forum, discord, youtube).

obaviet commented 5 years ago

Hi RaffiSapire maybe you are right, i'm too greedy when I want to choose all the audience.I should only choose the token owner. Zendesk ,you dont need to care about hosting when scale up.Their maintenance fee start 15$/month. However, I will write new code completely if you require. i will link github, a menu . It is simple.

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Hi @obaviet! Token Holder it is. I suggest we break this project into milestones. M1. Research, design and content. Here is where myself, Ram and Nelson can help you on user personas, and content. Would look to you to find great examples of community hubs for non-technical community, and what types of information should be there. I've added you to a DM group with us. M2. Mockup, UX. Mockup, and a list of the content/resources we need to fill into that mockup. Also here is suggesting what this should be built on and why (zendesk or otherwise) M3. User tests - get feedback from a few people in the community via discord. M4. Build M5. Maintain.

Let me know if you agree, and if so, lets start with assessing how much time we think M1 and M2 would take, and I can allocate grants towards those. Once we finish M2, we can understand how long it will take to build.

obaviet commented 5 years ago

Yes, i agree. Please let me know you choose zendesk or no Estimated time is 4 days for m1,m2

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Super! M1 - 200 LPT. To me, the deliverable output to receive this grant here is a ppt or word doc summary of your insights from your research, your audience, what they care about, the scope of the content that will be included, and examples of community platforms you are going to use for inspiration. It includes the goal of the community hub, what success looks like, and a suggested KPI that measures the success of the platform (to what extent we achieve the goal) and how we might measure it. M2 - 100 - 400 LPT depending on level of effort and output. Best case output would be detailed mockups of the user journey on uxpin or invision, that include a clickable workflow. Includes all the actual written content for all pages, tabs, links, and the content in each the links. It includes a recommendation of the engineering approach on how this will be built and why.

obaviet commented 5 years ago

Hi @rsap this is m1 , Please let me know if there is a shortage. m2 will give you a better understanding of the foundation we are building . my eth: 0xe09857FD5e8F6A8D60107775e0AE70e2C224EBa9


RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

@obaviet Great sounds good. Just sent you LPT. One thing, instead of using the word delegate, can we use the word Stake? Using delegate = bond = staking has been really confusing. Instead, focusing on the fact that token holders stake their token towards a transcoder. LMK what you think.

For M2, would like for you to find someone to help with editing the content to make sure the english is grammatically correct. Similarly, totally cool to do it on your own, but to get a greater portion of the 100-400 LPT, you might want to find someone who does ux to help think more about the layout and user experience here. Perhaps you could see if there's someone in the community with UX/product experience who would be interested in being a sounding board here.

obaviet commented 5 years ago

m1, Right! i agree M2, yes, i have

felipegaucho commented 5 years ago

Hi, @obaviet & @RaffiSapire, I'm just chiming in here 'cause I think this can become a valuable asset for the community. Below is a rough map of existing (but scattered) resources who provide a trove of content/insights into Livepeer - stuff I wish I had found more easily back then:

Figure Livepeer

As for references of cohesive onboarding tools / community hubs, I really like:

Besides, 2 things I'd enjoy seeing with more emphasis are

(1) the participation rate (could even include a "header" like the one Nomics has on their homepage highlighting this :P) (2) List of community events streamed w/ Livepeer (past & upcoming?) - until there's meaningful streaming activity and these become less relevant...


obaviet commented 5 years ago

@felipegaucho Thank you for contributing. It was really helpful for me.

obaviet commented 5 years ago

Hi @RaffiSapire This is mockup The content I'm still in the process of completing. I will build it by: