Livepeer-Community-Node / Grant-Program

Livepeer Community Transcoder Node's Grant Program
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Market Discovery #23

Open LucyWang2014 opened 5 years ago

LucyWang2014 commented 5 years ago

Give a 3 sentence description about this proposal.

The goal of the project is to explore potential use cases and market opportunities of the Livepeer technology outside of the live internet video streaming industry. The project will be carried out in three phases. The first is to build a deep understanding of the nature of the technological innovation and differentiation of the Livepeer technology. In the second phase, an initial market survey will be conducted to understand underlying drivers and trends of potential markets, market size, and preliminary hypotheses on market opportunities. In the final phase, more detailed market analysis and recommendations will be provided.

Describe the problem you are solving. Livepeer is building an innovative technology that has potential impact across different use cases. The team needs more knowledge and insights in order to evaluate the potential opportunities and prioritize them.

Describe the solution you are proposing. A market discovery project starting with a broad view of market trends and ecosystem, followed by a more detailed analysis of the opportunity to uncover specific use cases and market needs.

Describe the scope of the project including a rough timeline and milestones Tech evaluation 1-2 weeks ○ Key activities include: ■ 1-2 interviews with Livepeer team ○ Deliverables: ■ Understanding of core technology as it is today, roadmap, key differentiators, key innovations.

● Initial Market Survey 1-2 weeks - M1 1000 LPT ○ Key activities include: ■ Help to identify 3-4 markets with high computation costs that might be able to use a graphic card to do the work, as well as any other constraints learned in Part 1. * We could just identify 1 if we feel like its too time consuming to identify more. ■ Understand key trends and develop initial hypotheses for opportunities in these market (Here Raffi May be doing more of the work with guidance from Lucy) ■ Rough sizing of market and identify key technology providers (Raffi to do first go, Lucy to help with how we approach market sizing, where to look, as well as some work here as we could split them up) ○ Deliverables: ■ Preliminary market size and key trends ■ Hypotheses of potential opportunities for Livepeer technology ■ Recommendation for top market opportunity to explore further

● Market Analysis and Recommendation 2-3 weeks. M2 1500 LPT. ○ Key activities include: ■ Interviews with domain experts, potential customers, and other key stakeholders to uncover unmet needs and relationships within the value chain - Here, Lucy to help create framework, come up with list of experts and people to speak with, join some of the calls, and talk through learnings from calls with raffi to draw on insights below ■ Drawing on interviews and research to develop potential use cases and fit for Liveeper technology ■ Evaluate competitive technology providers in the market ○ Deliverables: ■ Ecosystem and value chain map - Lucy and Raffi to work together ■ Hypotheses of market’s unmet needs and recommendation of potential use cases of Livepeer technology

Please estimate hours spent on project based on the above 70 hours total from two people

RaffiSapire commented 4 years ago

Hi Lucy,

thank you for submitting this and for the dialogue! Am excited to work with you on this. Approved on milestones and amount. Let's shareback here our Milestone 1 once we deliver it in the next couple weeks.