Livepeer-Community-Node / Grant-Program

Livepeer Community Transcoder Node's Grant Program
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Dragverse - Livepeer Streaming iOS Application #25

Open wcordelo opened 2 years ago

wcordelo commented 2 years ago

Give a 3 sentence description about this proposal.

Dragverse will be a dApp where you as an NFT drag (queen, king, monster, etc.) can live broadcast using Livepeer and earn tips from your followers. This first version is just the start; the goal is to keep building features like a crypto game to earn tokens, participate in events, metaverse concerts, dress, pad, paint your drag avatar, and have a place where you can share or mint NFTs, buy or earn new wigs or make-up, share creations, participate in competitions, give or get tips, and more. Our team is full of talent in project management, design, and development experience. All are passionate about drag art and the inclusion, elevation, and protection of the LGBTQAI+ community.

Dragverse Presentation:

Describe the problem you are solving. Creators need a platform where they can live stream their content, earn tips from their followers, and buy/sell art on the Dragverse marketplace.

Describe the solution you are proposing. Dragverse will launch an alpha version of the iOS application where creators can live stream on the platform. Creators can earn tips from their followers.

Previous Work HackNFT 2022 Github Repo:

Code Repository iOS Repo we plan to use (fork of Livepeer React-native repo):

Overview of who we are

Screen Shot 2022-01-27 at 8 04 12 PM

Leo (aka Salti): Drag Queen & Founder (LinkedIn: William: Senior Developer (LinkedIn: (Github: Vansh: Project Manager (LinkedIn: (Github: Christie: Design Lead Devdatta: Junior Developer (LinkedIn: (Github:

Describe the scope of the project including a rough timeline and milestones

Alpha launch iOS application features

This project is split into four phases and tied to a successful outcome that would benefit the Livepeer ecosystem. Phase 1 is split into four milestones focused on app development.

Project Launch - $10k USDC

Phase 1 - $10k USDC MVP on test flight, working end-to-end app, and demo on Livepeer community call

Milestones for Phase 1 Milestone #1 (Estimated Deadline ~Feb/March 2022)

Milestone #2 (Estimated Deadline ~March/April 2022)

Milestone #3 (Estimated Deadline ~May/June 2022)

Milestone #4 (Estimated Deadline ~June/July 2022)

Please estimate hours spent on project based on the above

  1. Livepeer network for live streaming: 40-80 hours total
  2. Smart contract tipping system: 10 hours total
  3. React-native iOS application + UX/UI designs: 400-600 hours total
  4. ENS for profile creation and hosting: 10 hours total
  5. Moralis for wallet connection: 2 hours total

Phase 2 - $10k USDC V2 based on MVP feedback, with a goal of doing a virtual drag race to an audience

Phase 3 - $10k USDC V3 based on V2 feedback + app store launch

Phase 4 - $10k USDC Reach 10k mins of video streamed

Amount of USDC Grant we are looking Dragverse is looking to obtain a grant amount of 50000 USDC separated into 4 phases (of 10000 USDC each) with an initial deposit of 10000 USDC to kick off the project.