Livepeer-Community-Node / Grant-Program

Livepeer Community Transcoder Node's Grant Program
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Transcoder ENS Integration - Phase 1 #6

Closed cfl0ws closed 5 years ago

cfl0ws commented 5 years ago

Give a 3 sentence description about this proposal.

Complete the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) integration within the Livepeer infrastructure. The integration will allow Transcoders to be identified and interacted with using an ENS name. This is a continuation of work Chris organized at the ENS Workshop in August 2018.

Describe the problem you are solving.

It's difficult to identify a transcoder on the Livepeer Explorer. An Ethereum address identifies the transcoder. An LPT holder looking to bond to a transcoder must map the address from the Explorer to the transcoder campaign on the Livepeer Forum.

When bonding, the LPT holder must confirm they are sending LPT to the correct Ethereum address. Giving transcoders human readable names would simplify both processes. The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) can provide these names.

Describe the solution you are proposing.

Phase 1 Scope -

For Further Investigation -

Describe the scope of the project including a rough timeline and milestones

Note: The anticipated Phase 2 would include forming the team to do the work and manage the work to complete the integration.

Timeline - Approximately 3 weeks, start to finish

Please estimate hours spent on project based on the above

Total = 6 days @ 8 hrs/day

ericxtang commented 5 years ago

Hi @chris-remus thanks for the proposal. This looks great. I just have one question about how the transcoders can actually get the ENS names - do you foresee this happening in the explorer interface too somehow?

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

@chris-remus @ericxtang I'm not sure if I understand your question Eric, is it, how do they register, what is the process for getting an ENS name, and is this done on the explorer or personal reach out? Chris has one bullet that says "Registration process for transcoder," do you think that is what he's referring to there?

cfl0ws commented 5 years ago

@ericxtang @RaffiSapire This could be done in one of two ways. The first would be to issue sub-domains using a tool like -

screen shot 2018-12-20 at 3 44 55 pm

The transcoder would request their subdomain of the chosen transcoder domain. Assuming Livepeer owns that domain, Livepeer could issue the subdomain. I understand @dob has ideas on the preferred domain.

Livepeer could also build subdomain registration into the explorer. This would be more involved. It would also introduce uncertainty into the process. For example, a bad actor could register a subdomain that should belong to a known transcoder.

I think for now the first option's the way to go. We could pursue the second option in a next iteration, possibly after the Streamflow release. These are the two options we'd decide between during this phase of the project.

ericxtang commented 5 years ago

I see. I think for now it's ok for us to make it know that transcoders can reach out to us to get their transcoder.eth subdomain.

cfl0ws commented 5 years ago

@RaffiSapire Could you please provide some insight into the decision/kickoff timeline for this?

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Thank you @chris-remus. For this Phase 1 of planning, we propose a 345 LPT planning grant. It is really important that it leads to Phase 2: execution. Failure here is to create a plan and not move into implementation.

The first 3 items on this list should be done as part of this grant application, not part of the grant. Baseline current integration status:

For Phase 1: 440 LPT

cfl0ws commented 5 years ago

Hi @RaffiSapire I've reviewed your proposal and am working on my response. I hope to post it early next week.

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

Hey @chris-remus, just wanted to follow up here. I reviewed and allocated additional time for the UX step, increasing the Phase 1 to 440 LPT. Let us know if you're still game, I know you anticipated 6 days of work, but we spent some time going through what needs to be done, and Eric and I set time estimates above. I know you were concerned that the grant size didn't cover 48 hours of work, but we think it's going to be less than that for this phase. See our breakdown above and let me know if you're interested in pushing it forward.

RaffiSapire commented 5 years ago

We are integrating 3box instead, I am closing this issue.