I observed a pretty strange behaviour. Since recently, the process push_loxone.php utilises 100% of 2 to 4 cpu cores of my loxberry. This heavy load results in a high temperature of the Raspberry (this is how i found the issue):
Plugin version: 4.1.0
Unfortunately, restarting the Loxberry is only helpful in the short term. After a couple of hours, the issue returns.
I cannot assure that this issue only occurred after upgrading to 4.1.0. Before, I did not monitor my Loxberry, however, the Loxberry never had any temperature issues.
Further information:
Upgrade to 4.1.0 at 28.02.2022 04:24, first temperature alarm which I noticed at 01.03.2022 04:41:08
I use outgoing data transmission via UDP
MQTT plugin is also installed, but not used for Sonos events
I observed a pretty strange behaviour. Since recently, the process push_loxone.php utilises 100% of 2 to 4 cpu cores of my loxberry. This heavy load results in a high temperature of the Raspberry (this is how i found the issue):
Plugin version: 4.1.0
Unfortunately, restarting the Loxberry is only helpful in the short term. After a couple of hours, the issue returns.
I cannot assure that this issue only occurred after upgrading to 4.1.0. Before, I did not monitor my Loxberry, however, the Loxberry never had any temperature issues.
Further information: