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Build a city wide 'things' network #14

Open KevinJump opened 8 years ago

KevinJump commented 8 years ago

Some people recently built a city wide internet of things network in amsterdam using low powered wifi things

In total they used 10 nodes each costing around $1200 to connect the whole of the city.

If you have something like this across the city, you could start to have sensors and things everywhere, properly enabling some cool stuff (probably)

amcewen commented 8 years ago

I think @DefProc added Liverpool (or maybe just @DoESLiverpool) to the list of interested parties. Dunno what happened after that.

The guys who started it all are on the IoT Council (as am I), so I can ping them if that's useful?

DefProc commented 8 years ago

I'm interested in setting up a base station in @DoESLiverpool, and having a play.

There's currently a 100% funded kickstarter for thethingsnetwork kit where I've been pondering a €290(+€50) kit with one of each in it, but I'm a little reticent because there's very little technical infomation on the hardware side so far, although they have installed with other hardware in Amsterdam.

From the look of their code, I don't have the prior knowledge to be able to be able to jump on this and start, but I'd be happier to see if I can afford a gateway if there are others interested in deploying on it.

jamieisboss commented 8 years ago

the Kerlink one looks like a good solution:

1500 euro each sounds like a lot but if each one covers a few square km and 20000 clients, it's by far the cheapest option. I reckon on on the roof at Byrom Street, One At Avril Robarts, One at Either Aldham Robarts or The Art and Design Academy if there's a sensible use case for LJMU (and there must be loads) i'm thinking student guidance, service availability, stuff they're paying for MPLS traffic for now, it's probably a money saver and it's over half thee city covered. Uni of Liverpool Would get a couple too I'd imagine so as not to be left out, pop one on does and one on FACT and that's a City Centre Blanket with support for 140000 users.

That Bike company would probably be interested

I'm not 100% what the value proposition is beyond that. how do muggles benefit?

DefProc commented 8 years ago

Doing beats talking, and I can afford a base station so (accepting all the normal risks of Kickstarter) we should have a base station in @DoESLiverpool next year:

amcewen commented 8 years ago

And @DefProc soft-launched the network at last month's IoT Liverpool meetup. It's got a twitter account - - and there's a gateway up and running in @DoESLiverpool. Looking for applications to use it now (and more gateways to make it city-wide...)

amcewen commented 7 years ago

There's now a Liverpool community on the Things Network site - - if anyone else wants to join it. @DefProc and I have a couple of radio modules on Arduino shields to at least start playing around with this stuff...

amcewen commented 7 years ago

This month's IoT Liverpool meetup is all about Things Network, so anyone interested should come along. Sign up at

amcewen commented 7 years ago

I've started working out the range of the gateway we've got at @DoESLiverpool. Mapping the extremities of the range over on