Living-with-machines / T-Res

A Toponym Resolution Pipeline for Digitised Historical Newspapers
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Investigate and adapt Radboud Entity Linker #66

Closed mcollardanuy closed 2 years ago

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago


Integration with our pipeline is in issue #72.

At the moment, I'm running the different options from /resources/develop/mcollardanuy/REL in the toponymVM.

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Using web API end-to-end

import requests

API_URL = ""
text_doc = "BRAMSHAW. OM mile from Brook and Cetilitre, four from Lyndhurst, and six from Romsey."

# Example EL.
el_result =, json={
    "text": text_doc,
    "spans": []


>>> print(el_result)
[0, 8, 'BRAMSHAW', 'Bramshaw', 0.38727825954758405, 0.8461521863937378, 'ORG'], 
[10, 2, 'OM', 'Order_of_Merit', 0.669421205764566, 0.4000522196292877, 'ORG'], 
[23, 5, 'Brook', 'Brook_Island', 0.3527966262762801, 0.6422774791717529, 'PER'], 
[54, 9, 'Lyndhurst', 'Electoral_district_of_Lyndhurst', 0.5974524509684982, 0.8372584581375122, 'LOC'], 
[78, 6, 'Romsey', 'Romsey', 0.9106794983449681, 0.9339858293533325, 'LOC']

Where each result has: [start_char_pos, entity_string_length, entity_on_wikipedia, confidence_ner, confidence_linking, ner-type]

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Using web API given the mentions

We provide the identified mentions as a list of tuples, where the first element is the start character position of the entity, and the second element is the length of the entity.

import requests

API_URL = ""
text_doc = "BRAMSHAW. OM mile from Brook and Cetilitre, four from Lyndhurst, and six from Romsey."

mentions = [(0, 8), (23, 5), (33, 9), (54, 9), (78, 6)]

# Example EL.
ed_result =, json={
    "text": text_doc,
    "spans": mentions


[0, 8, 'BRAMSHAW', 'Bramshaw', 0.38727825954758405, 0.0, 'NULL'], 
[23, 5, 'Brook', 'Brook_Island', 0.41647935676531866, 0.0, 'NULL'], 
[54, 9, 'Lyndhurst', 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 0.7174297794879929, 0.0, 'NULL'], 
[78, 6, 'Romsey', 'Romsey', 0.908602895218785, 0.0, 'NULL']

See that there's no linking for mention "Cetilitre": it has been ignored.

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Using REL locally with the provided wiki_2019 data:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from REL.mention_detection import MentionDetection
from REL.utils import process_results
from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation
from REL.ner import Cmns, load_flair_ner

base_url = "."
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"

def example_preprocessing():
    # user does some stuff, which results in the format below.
    text = "BRAMSHAW. OM mile from Brook and Cetilitre, four from Lyndhurst, and six from Romsey."
    processed = {"example_lwm": [text, []]}
    return processed

input_text = example_preprocessing()

mention_detection = MentionDetection(base_url, wiki_version)
tagger_ner = load_flair_ner("ner-fast")
mentions_dataset, n_mentions = mention_detection.find_mentions(input_text, tagger_ner)

config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": base_url + "/" + wiki_version + "/generated/model",

model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)
predictions, timing = model.predict(mentions_dataset)

result = process_results(mentions_dataset, predictions, input_text)


>>> print(input_text)
{'example_lwm': ['BRAMSHAW. OM mile from Brook and Cetilitre, four from Lyndhurst, and six from Romsey.', []]}
>>> print(predictions)
{'example_lwm': [
    {'mention': 'Bramshaw', 'prediction': 'Bramshaw', 'candidates': ['Bramshaw', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.4238759', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074']}, 
    {'mention': 'Brook', 'prediction': 'Brook_Island', 'candidates': ['Brook_Island', 'Brook,_Isle_of_Wight', 'Brook,_Kent', 'Brook,_New_Forest', 'Brook_trout', 'Stream', 'Bowling_Brook'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.4285338', '0.41217393', '0.42006987', '0.41040137', '0.4021421', '0.39939427', '0.40175927']}, 
    {'mention': 'Lyndhurst', 'prediction': 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 'candidates': ['Lyndhurst,_Hampshire', 'Lyndhurst,_Ohio', 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 'Electoral_district_of_Lyndhurst_(New_South_Wales)', 'Electoral_district_of_Lyndhurst', 'Lyndhurst,_South_Australia', 'Leeds_and_the_Thousand_Islands'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.41701293', '0.41096336', '0.4363626', '0.41699076', '0.4330288', '0.42380357', '0.33699596']}, 
    {'mention': 'Romsey', 'prediction': 'Romsey', 'candidates': ['Romsey', 'Shire_of_Romsey', 'Romsey,_Victoria', 'Romsey_(UK_Parliament_constituency)', 'Romsey_railway_station', 'Romsey_Football_Club', 'Mill_Road,_Cambridge'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.45610768', '0.4045033', '0.41416538', '0.4050362', '0.4061722', '0.4024356', '0.33643818']}
>>> print(result)
{'example_lwm': [
    (0, 8, 'BRAMSHAW', 'Bramshaw', 0.0, 0.9271187782287598, 'ORG'), 
    (23, 5, 'Brook', 'Brook_Island', 0.0, 0.969516396522522, 'LOC'), 
    (54, 9, 'Lyndhurst', 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 0.0, 0.9971579313278198, 'LOC'), 
    (78, 6, 'Romsey', 'Romsey', 0.0, 0.9967823028564453, 'LOC')

Note: see that candidate selection module can be evaluated from the predictions (max seven candidates).

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Use REL locally adapted to our resource

Two points on that:

  1. Only allow disambiguation to same geographical entities that are possible for us, to ensure the comparison is fair.
  2. Recreate their wikipedia processing, to make sure they don't have entities missing due to using a previous Wikipedia version, see readme.

Limit disambiguation to certain entities

Using the same script as in the previous comment, with the following changes to REL/

diff --git a/REL/ b/REL/
index 70a43ee..5e87937 100644
--- a/REL/
+++ b/REL/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from random import shuffle
 from typing import Any, Dict
 from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import urllib
+import pandas as pd

 import numpy as np
 import pkg_resources
@@ -30,11 +32,20 @@ for the ED step.

 wiki_prefix = ""

+path = '/resources/wikipedia/extractedResources/'
+with open(path+'wikipedia2wikidata.json', 'r') as f:
+    wikipedia2wikidata = json.load(f)
+df = pd.read_csv('/resources/wikidata/wikidata_gazetteer.csv', low_memory=False, usecols=['wikidata_id'])
+wkdt_allcands = set(df["wikidata_id"].tolist())
+wikipedia_locs = set(dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] in wkdt_allcands, wikipedia2wikidata.items())).keys())

 class EntityDisambiguation:
     def __init__(self, base_url, wiki_version, user_config, reset_embeddings=False):
         self.base_url = base_url
         self.wiki_version = wiki_version
+        self.wikipedia_locs = wikipedia_locs
         self.embeddings = {}
         self.config = self.__get_config(user_config)

@@ -871,6 +882,7 @@ class EntityDisambiguation:
             conll_doc = content[0].get("conll_doc", None)
             for m in content:
                 named_cands = [c[0] for c in m["candidates"]]
+                named_cands = [c for c in named_cands if urllib.parse.quote(c.replace("_", " ")) in wikipedia_locs]
                 p_e_m = [min(1.0, max(1e-3, c[1])) for c in m["candidates"]]


Results are now just location entities (see, for example, that "Brook trout" is not a possible candidate for mention "Brook"):

>>> print(predictions)
{'example_lwm': [
    {'mention': 'Bramshaw', 'prediction': 'Bramshaw', 'candidates': ['Bramshaw', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#', '#UNK#'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.4238759', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074', '-0.22848074']}, 
    {'mention': 'Brook', 'prediction': 'Brook_Island', 'candidates': ['Brook_Island', 'Brook,_Isle_of_Wight', 'Brook,_Kent', 'Brook,_New_Forest', 'Brook,_Surrey', 'Brook,_Indiana', 'Fork_Factory_Brook'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.43120536', '0.41348878', '0.42142522', '0.4111408', '0.4155652', '0.41369182', '0.4096837']}, 
    {'mention': 'Lyndhurst', 'prediction': 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 'candidates': ['Lyndhurst,_Hampshire', 'Lyndhurst,_Ohio', 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 'Electoral_district_of_Lyndhurst_(New_South_Wales)', 'Lyndhurst_(mansion)', 'Lyndhurst,_South_Australia', 'Leeds_and_the_Thousand_Islands'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.42008537', '0.41830868', '0.43580437', '0.41616532', '0.41997015', '0.4254934', '0.4104377']}, 
    {'mention': 'Romsey', 'prediction': 'Romsey', 'candidates': ['Romsey', 'Shire_of_Romsey', 'Romsey,_Victoria', 'Romsey_(UK_Parliament_constituency)', 'Romsey_railway_station', 'Romsey_Abbey', 'Mill_Road,_Cambridge'], 'conf_ed': 0.0, 'scores': ['0.45595652', '0.40478042', '0.41509593', '0.4053589', '0.4064365', '0.40317565', '0.41849172']}
>>> print(result)
{'example_lwm': [
    (0, 8, 'BRAMSHAW', 'Bramshaw', 0.0, 0.9271187782287598, 'ORG'), 
    (23, 5, 'Brook', 'Brook_Island', 0.0, 0.969516396522522, 'LOC'), 
    (54, 9, 'Lyndhurst', 'Lyndhurst,_New_Jersey', 0.0, 0.9971579313278198, 'LOC'), 
    (78, 6, 'Romsey', 'Romsey', 0.0, 0.9967823028564453, 'LOC')]}

Note that NER still may be interpreting mentions as non-LOC, but all possible candidates will be LOCs anyway. In the experiments, we may just want to filter out NE that have not been identified as LOCs.

Recreate wikipedia processing

fedenanni commented 2 years ago

To install it in poetry: poetry add git+

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Generating a LwM dataset for ED

Following these instructions.

Step 1: Filtering by Wikipedia title in our gazetteer, in

# Wikipedia to wikidata to gazetteer filtering:
path = "/resources/wikipedia/extractedResources/"
# Load wikipedia to wikidata converter:
with open(path + "wikipedia2wikidata.json", "r") as f:
    wikipedia2wikidata = json.load(f)
with open(path + "wikidata2wikipedia.json", "r") as f:
    wikidata2wikipedia = json.load(f)
# Load gazetteer:
gaz_df = pd.read_csv(
# Keep only wikipedia entities in the gazetteer:
wkdt_allcands = set(gaz_df["wikidata_id"].tolist())
wikipedia_locs = set(
    dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] in wkdt_allcands, wikipedia2wikidata.items())).keys()

Step 2: Generating the LwM dataset for training and evaluating the ED system, in

def process_lwm(self, dataset_split):
    Preprocesses LwM dataset in the format that is necessary for training and evaluating
    the local ED model.
    dataset = pd.read_csv(

    if dataset_split == "train":
        dataset = dataset[dataset["originalsplit"] == "train"]
    elif dataset_split == "dev":
        dataset = dataset[dataset["originalsplit"] == "dev"]
    elif dataset_split == "test":
        dataset = dataset[dataset["originalsplit"] == "test"]

    dataset["annotations"] = dataset["annotations"].apply(
        lambda x: literal_eval(str(x))
    dataset["sentences"] = dataset["sentences"].apply(
        lambda x: literal_eval(str(x))
    dict_articles = dict()
    for i, row in dataset.iterrows():
        article_id = row["article_id"]
        dict_articles[article_id] = []
        dict_sentences = dict()
        for sentence in row["sentences"]:
            dict_sentences[int(sentence["sentence_pos"])] = sentence[
        for annotation in row["annotations"]:
            dict_mention = dict()
            dict_mention["mention"] = annotation["mention"]
            sent_idx = int(annotation["sent_pos"])
            dict_mention["sent_idx"] = sent_idx
            dict_mention["sentence"] = dict_sentences[sent_idx]
            # Convert the gold standard Wikidata id to Wikipedia id (because
            # of redirections, some times more than one Wikipedia title is
            # assigned to each Wikidata id, we choose the most frequent one):
            dict_mention["gold"] = "NIL"
            gold_ids = wikidata2wikipedia.get(annotation["wkdt_qid"])
            max_freq = 0
            if gold_ids:
                for k in gold_ids:
                    if k["freq"] > max_freq:
                        max_freq = k["freq"]
                        dict_mention["gold"] = k["title"]
            dict_mention["gold"] = [
                urllib.parse.unquote(dict_mention["gold"]).replace(" ", "_")
            dict_mention["ngram"] = annotation["mention"]
            dict_mention["context"] = ["", ""]
            if sent_idx - 1 in dict_sentences:
                dict_mention["context"][0] = dict_sentences[sent_idx - 1]
            if sent_idx + 1 in dict_sentences:
                dict_mention["context"][1] = dict_sentences[sent_idx + 1]
            dict_mention["pos"] = annotation["mention_start"]
            dict_mention["end_pos"] = annotation["mention_end"]
            cands = self.get_candidates(annotation["mention"])
            # Filter to candidates that are in the gazetteer:
            cands = [
                for c in cands
                if urllib.parse.quote(c[0].replace("_", " ")) in wikipedia_locs
            dict_mention["candidates"] = cands

    if dataset_split == "train":
        self.__save(dict_articles, "lwm_train")

    if dataset_split == "dev":
        self.__save(dict_articles, "lwm_dev")

    if dataset_split == "test":
        self.__save(dict_articles, "lwm_test")

Step 3: Generate datasets from a new script:

from REL.wikipedia import Wikipedia
from REL.generate_train_test import GenTrainingTest

base_url = "./"
wiki_version = "wiki_2019/"
wikipedia = Wikipedia(base_url, wiki_version)

data_handler = GenTrainingTest(base_url, wiki_version, wikipedia)

for ds in ["train", "dev", "test"]:

This will produce the following new files in ./REL/wiki_2019/generated/test_train_data:


Loading the LwM training and evaluation datasets

Following these instructions.

Step 1: Changing list of datasets to load from

    def load(self):
        Loads respective datasets and processes coreferences.

        :return: Returns training/evaluation datasets.
        datasets = {}
        for ds in [

Step 2: Loading the datasets, from a new script:

from REL.training_datasets import TrainingEvaluationDatasets

datasets = TrainingEvaluationDatasets(base_url, wiki_version).load()

... where...

>>> print(datasets.keys())
dict_keys(['lwm_train', 'lwm_dev'])

>>> print(datasets["lwm_train"].keys())
dict_keys([4428937, 3516947, 10722895, ...]) # the article ids in the training set

>>> print(datasets["lwm_train"][3691281])
    'mention': 'Wragby', 
    'sent_idx': 5, 
    'sentence': 'On Friday the first stone of a new church at Wragby was laid, with all due formalities. £3000 has been subscribed byvountary contributions for the purpose of building and endowing this edifice, all given by the parishioners of Wragby—Lincoln Gaxette. ', 
    'gold': [{'title': 'Wragby', 'freq': 33}], 
    'ngram': 'Wragby', 
    'context': [
        'A pious and benevolent lady, connected with the establishment, lately deceased, has, by her will, left £100,000 as a national legacy, for the express purposes of building churches; and Northampton, it appears, is one of the favoured towns destined to share her munificence. ', 
        'Wolverhampton Collegiate Church— It is designed to rescue this beautiful and venerable structure, second to none in the county but the cathedral at Lichfield, from the dilapidated state into which it hasfallen; and, with this view, the churchwardens have published an address to the nobility, clergy, and other inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, soliciting their aid to enable them to accomplish their praiseworthy and desirable object. '
    'pos': 45,  
    'end_pos': 51, 
    'candidates': [
        ['Wragby', 1.0], 
        ['Wragby_railway_station', 0.952]
}, ...]

Training the model

Step 1: Defining the config

from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation

config = {
    "mode": "train",
    "model_path": "{}/{}/generated/model".format(base_url, wiki_version),
model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)

Step 2: Train the model

# Train the model using lwm_train:
    datasets["lwm_train"], {k: v for k, v in datasets.items() if k != "lwm_train"}

Step 3: Train and predict using LR (to obtain confidence scores)

model_path_lr = "{}/{}/generated/".format(base_url, wiki_version)
model.train_LR(datasets, model_path_lr)

Run on a sentence

Step 1: Add the following in, under instantiated named_cands:

                named_cands = [
                    for c in named_cands
                    if urllib.parse.quote(c.replace("_", " ")) in wikipedia_locs

Step 2: And then run end-to-end with new model:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from REL.mention_detection import MentionDetection
from REL.utils import process_results
from REL.entity_disambiguation import EntityDisambiguation
from REL.ner import Cmns, load_flair_ner

base_url = "."
wiki_version = "wiki_2019"

sentence = "Ashton-under-Lyne, Halifax, Sowerby, Sheffield."

def example_preprocessing(sentence):
    # user does some stuff, which results in the format below.
    text = sentence
    processed = {"example_lwm": [text, []]}
    return processed

input_text = example_preprocessing(sentence)

mention_detection = MentionDetection(base_url, wiki_version)
tagger_ner = load_flair_ner("ner-fast")
mentions_dataset, n_mentions = mention_detection.find_mentions(input_text, tagger_ner)

print("mentions_dataset", mentions_dataset)
print("n_mentions", n_mentions)

config = {
    "mode": "eval",
    "model_path": "{}/{}/generated/model".format(base_url, wiki_version),

model = EntityDisambiguation(base_url, wiki_version, config)
predictions, timing = model.predict(mentions_dataset)

result = process_results(mentions_dataset, predictions, input_text)

fedenanni commented 2 years ago

This is the type of structure you need to set up by creating the following folders and running specific scripts in specific folders. The base folder for us is rel_db and all following folders are inside it:

├── generic
└─── lwm_rel_filtered
|   ├── basic_data
|      └── anchor_files
|   └── generated

To do so, first of all:

  1. Download the generic folder from here inside rel_db
  2. Create a folder for the specific Wikipedia DB you want to setup (in our example lwm_rel_filtered) inside rel_db
  3. Inside lwm_rel_filtered create the basic_data folder
  4. Inside basic_data run the adapted version of WikiExtractor on a Wikipedia XML dump as below: python {path/to/script/} /resources/wikipedia/enwiki-20211001-pages-articles-multistream27.xml-p68475910p68864378.bz2 --links --filter_disambig_pages --processes 1 --bytes 1G
  5. Make the anchor_files folder inside basic_data
  6. Copy the content of the newly created text/AA/ folder to anchor_files
  7. Run the following code (you either need to install REL or import it from a local version)
    from REL.wikipedia import Wikipedia
    from REL.wikipedia_yago_freq import WikipediaYagoFreq

wiki_version = "lwm_rel_filtered" base_url = "/resources/wikipedia/rel_db/" wikipedia = Wikipedia(base_url, wiki_version)

wiki_yago_freq = WikipediaYagoFreq(base_url, wiki_version, wikipedia) wiki_yago_freq.compute_wiki() wiki_yago_freq.compute_custom()

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Thanks @fedenanni! I've moved it one folder up, directly under /resources/, because I'll put all the data needed by REL there.

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Changes to REL assuming it's cloned under experiments/: rel_changes.txt

fedenanni commented 2 years ago

[step by step overview] Training your own embeddings

The script does not seem to be working directly, so I am executing each step by step. To install wikipedia2vec, pip install wikipedia2vec or poetry add wikipedia2vec give the same error, possibly due to incompatibilities with the python version (see here. I have managed to install it following this guide:

git clone
cd wikipedia2vec
pip install Cython
pip install .

Actually no, this only brings a new error right after ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wikipedia2vec.dictionary'

Apparently wikipedia2vec has serious incompatibility issues with newer versions of python, trying to install it now with python 3.5 in a conda environment

Ok, only python 3.8 seems to be compatible. Created a pyenv where I am trying to set it up

mcollardanuy commented 2 years ago

Done in, closing this as we're reviewing all the pipeline in #141