Living-with-machines / accidents-interactive

This is the “accidents interactive” for the Living with Machines exhibit at Leeds City Museum 2022–23.
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v2 #29

Open kallewesterling opened 2 years ago

kallewesterling commented 2 years ago



Hardware / Leeds installation

mialondon commented 2 years ago

@kallewesterling noting that I've updated the description as github probably won't notify you

kallewesterling commented 2 years ago

@mialondon FYI, I've updated the expanding datasets task above with a link to I don't think you receive an update re: this.

kallewesterling commented 2 years ago

Ensure Rick has a start-up script that starts the webserver in the right location and opens Chrome in kiosk mode

@mialondon Was this ever resolved? Or should I liaise with Rick re: this?

mialondon commented 2 years ago

I did it for him and as far as I know it’s working ok still!

kallewesterling commented 2 years ago

Thank you, @mialondon - need to keep the issue open however, as there are quite a long todo list above.

mialondon commented 1 year ago

@kallewesterling shall we do some MoSCoW on this?